

My axis


Don't give way the driving seat

Of your life to another person

No need to be fitted to

Someone's taste

Ask your heart

What you really want now?

Regain freedom

I got used to getting bound

With the rules

Created by the society

I thought

It is safe way to admit

Other persons opinion

I lost having my own opinion

And relying on myself

Without noticing

I was living to Fulfill

Someone's expectations

If I don't

Live my life for my own

No one could live it for me

No need of taking permission

From someone

When you think to do something

The important thing

It's not whether

Its right or not

It's whether you're excited

Don't loose yourself

Don't give way the driving seat

Of your life to another person

No need to be fitted to

Someone's taste

Ask your heart

What you really want now?

Regain freedom

What we see

Feel and experience is nothing

More than a part of the world

So even most people want to

Decide on one answer

For everything

The more you try to adapt

With the existing answer

Of the society

You start not to listen

The voice your heart

No need to worry

When others choose

The different thing than me

People who often use

The word ''normal''

Don't know the world in which

Their normality doesn't work

There is only one path

In the world that no one

But you can walk

Don't be afraid of the road

That has no answer

We live too long

To spend our one and only life

Worrying only about others

Life is up to you

Have the courage

To face your life

I don't give anyone the right

To decide my value

I protect my own personality

Stop living your life

At your own expense

Don't give way the driving seat

Of your life to another person

No need to be fitted to

Someone's taste

Ask your heart

What you really want now?

Regain freedom

  • 作詞


  • 作曲



古川愛理 の“My axis”を


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