Savior Front Cover



Love de Okapia

It's too early too wake up

I'm still sleepy

Don't know the reason, but its a refreshing morning

It's too early for summertime

It was too late when I ask for another chance

The end was right in front of me

I've been told many times but I don't feel like fixing it

Throw the stubborn feelings into the sea of heart

Was late but I've already thrown away the letter

Emotions that can only be expressed through metaphors

You broke me

I walk in the empty sky

This is the right answer

It's okay everything's gonna be fine

You lost me

I feel comfortable for some reason

I'll be another person in a second, don't look back

You are my savior

Maybe it was nothing else

You are my savior

Maybe it was nothing else

Should have noticed my feelings immediately

But I didn't want to

How can I like you?

Can't see the good points anymore

I want to be honest

I've been told many times but I don't feel like fixing it

Throw the stubborn feelings into the sea of heart

Was late but I've already thrown away the letter

Emotions that can only be expressed through metaphors

Everything is relative

Everything was not easy

Everything is relative

I won't apologize anymore

  • Lyricist

    Taichi Hirano

  • Composer

    Taichi Hirano

Savior Front Cover

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