Dark Horseのジャケット写真


Dark Horse

Avoid Silence.

The down of a new era

It's me who laughs last

The down of a new era

"New age warriors"?

The down of a new era

That's bullshit! shut up and fuck off

Stop kidding!

We are "New age warriors"!

Stop following me

We will be king

We are don't fight

I am not like you

You will never improve

Look at bygone days forever

We're watch from the sky

Listening to jazz!

Just you wait to our evolution

Just you wait to our revolution

We will break it down

It's gotta be done

You'll regret it if you don't come

Won't be laughing long

So Just you wait

We are the dark horse and superior

The down of a new era

We will be king

The down of a new era

However, squad is necessary for that

The down of a new era

But now I realized

The down of a new era

I have comrade

Stop following me

I hate you

Stop following me

I don't want to talk

Stop following me

If you insist

Stop following me

Shake your head like dumb

Really annoying

Play hard to win

Even if you kill

I don't need play house

I mean it

Bring it on

Alive or dead

Decide to yourself

You have to choice

Alive or dead

Decide to yourself

What about you?

I choose the alive

Just you wait to our evolution

Just you wait to our revolution

We will break it down

It's gotta be done

You'll regret it if you don't come

Won't be laughing long

So Just you wait

We are the dark horse and superior

Just you wait to our the future

Just you wait to our the tomorrow

We will break it down

It's gotta be done

You'll regret it if you don't come

Won't be laughing long

So Just you wait

Our time has near

  • 作詞


  • 作曲


Dark Horseのジャケット写真

Avoid Silence. の“Dark Horse”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード

  • ⚫︎

    Dark Horse

    Avoid Silence.


Avoid Silence. 1st シングル「Dark Horse」


  • Avoid Silence.

    神戸発メタルコアバンド、我々Avoid Silence.は結成から5年、関西での地ならしを経て、現在東京にて精力的に活動しております。 クリーンとシャウトが交錯するツインボーカルならではのメロディとグルーヴィなブレイクダウンに定評があります。 2/14には新宿ANTIKNOCKにて自主企画を開催。これからのシーンを更に盛り上げられるよう取り組んでおります。


    Avoid Silence.の他のリリース