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The renowned masterpiece of Southern All Stars, known to every Japanese, transcends generations and borders, evidenced by numerous artists covering it. While Southern All Stars is celebrated for its vibrant and enjoyable songs, their ballads, which evoke memories of the Shonan sea, will undoubtedly continue to be passed down through many artists.

The non-singing musician Gensblue plays it with soul. Utilizing the most primitive instrument, the ukulele, his arrangement stands out by accentuating the original nostalgic expressions. The simplicity of his performance allows each note to interlace seamlessly, creating a splendid arrangement as if each sound is holding hands with the other. The warmth, akin to a music box, emanates from Gensblue's playing technique.

Gensblue takes on the challenge of arranging songs from artists worldwide with just a ukulele. His outstanding performance, coupled with a unique atmosphere, deeply resonates with the listener's heart.

Artist Profile

  • Gensblue

    幼少よりクラシックギターを故奥田紘正氏に師事。ニューヨークアクターズスクール系のゼンヒラノ氏に演技法を師事。 1年間の山篭りの後、劇団ヘマタイトの役者として10年間舞台に立つ。 その後、ブラジルでギター修行。帰国後ウクレレという楽器の可能性に目覚め、独自の演奏法を確立。 以降精力的にライブ活動を展開、現在に至る。繊細さと豪快さを併せ持つ演奏には定評がある。国内外でのビッグフェスティバル等での演奏活動、舞台音楽の作曲演奏、アーティストのプロデュース、葉山鎌倉での音楽教室、テレビラジオ出演多数。

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