We are still on a journey... Front Cover


Rubble Castle


もしも明日強い風が吹き すべてが飛ばされても

懲りずにまたガレキを積んで オレたちの城を創ろう

朽ち果てた古い廃屋に 電球をぶら下げたら

へし折られた日々を片手に もぅ一度ひとつになろう

あさましい時代が ぜんぶをさらって逝くけど

共に分かち和えるような日が来れば ナニも心配しなくていぃ

築いてゆこう ふたりで… 壊されても 潰されても

護ってやろう あしたを… 途絶えさせず 生きて逝こう

うつり変わる街の片隅に 新しい宿を求め

名も知らぬ鳥たちまでもが 必死に羽ばたいてる

さわがしい時代に ときに呑まれそうにもなるけど

いまは瓦礫の下で眠る声に 耳を傾けてやればいぃ

築いてゆこう ふたりで… 壊されても 潰されても

護ってやろう あしたを… 途絶えさせず 生きて逝こう

誰もがいつかを忘れ 失っちまった頃に きっと帰りたくなるんだ

真っ黒に汚れながら また創ろうぜ あたらしいオレたちの城を

築いてゆこう ふたりで… 壊されても 潰されても

護ってやろう あしたを… 途絶えさせず 生きて逝こう

築いてゆこう ふたりで…

途絶えさせずに 生きて逝こう

  • Lyricist


  • Composer


We are still on a journey... Front Cover

Listen to Rubble Castle by Rio

Streaming / Download

Rio's 7th album "We are still on a journey" has been released. This work is also a completely self-produced work, from the lyrics, composition, arrangement, as well as the engineer to the artwork. A collection of Rio-bushi's message songs in which each song has a small story like a picture book. ~We are still on a journey...~

Artist Profile

  • Rio

    A singer-songwriter whose trademark is a hoarse voice. After making his debut as a singer in 2005, he started performing live. His satirical talk is comfortable, and he is also active as a radio personality. Highly rated as a writer, he is also used in the world of commercial songs, movies and stage music, and in recent years he has provided original songs to big names in the music world. Armed with a free-spirited pops sense and message, they are performing live on a wide range of stages across the country.

    Artist page


office AJITO
