まだ日は暮れないし 話をしよう
夏の終わり 遠くへ行こう ねえ
青色の髪 風に不意に
揺れそう もう
I listen to your few words
And I’ll make it phrase for you
このまま いよう
All my mind is yours
Your breath was swept away
By the wind 逢えない夜なら
さあ この夢から覚めよう
灯台のライト 夜が来たよ
揺れてる もう
I listen to your few words
And I’ll make it phrase for you
このまま 行こう
All my mind is yours
Your breath was swept away
By the wind 逢えない夜なら
さあ この夢から覚めよう
- Lyricist
Yusuke Sato
- Composer
Yusuke Sato
Listen to Hear the wind song by yuyuhackshow
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Hear the wind song
Dream Pop with 80's J-POP.
Lyrics are inspired by Haruki Murakami.
For all sentimental summer.