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Change My Life

Miracle, Bontch Swinga

Change my life,敵は己、

Never lose, power to the people

振り切る border 打ち抜く heart

何発もの gun shot. kick in the door


少しずつ剥がすぜその仮面 right now

口開けて唖然としな、がら心を奮わす verse



(Dance). All the way to death×2、

制すこの game. slave から king 暴れ回る好きなだけ






クソダッセーな本当、fuck me up 何度もしばく、


Be ready to die 地獄行きゃいいんだろ、Ready for heart, (Ok!)

Keep fighting. stil hungry

断頭台から get out 俺が心を奪う真犯人

Eccentric この世でたった1人

Life を rhyme し soulで歌えば皆、唯一無二

I don't cry. fearless、町抜け出し flow (Let's go)

俺は real、口煩い、外野は fuck off (Of course)

口だけとか no way 必ずする証明、

Be generous 掌返し、するなら今、fuckin

Go my way

LIFE. 全てが正念場、邪魔すんな俺の証言台さ



問う essence,no flex.支えとなる原点

Keep it real. skill or sense こそ選ばれし者の武器 go ahead

徐々に出、明確な差、残してく、名盤、step up し続け、making up, still now



Drug deal せず、flow させる贅沢

描くぜ big dream 言葉にする big dream

必ず現実味を帯びる筈、信じて keep going

全速力だぜ holla back 説得力増す頷かす

Make money with music すりゃ誰かの為に金を使う

愛した女に指輪、仲間にばら撒く金、ヘッズ達に回す champagne


必ずなるいずれ、叶わぬ夢無し実現、するだけ苦しくても funny

I take pride in my job

Keep fighting. still hungry

断頭台からget out 俺が心を奪う真犯人

Eccentric この世でたった1人

Life を rhyme し soul で歌えば皆、唯一無二

I don't cry. fearless 町抜け出し flow (Let's go)

俺は real 口煩い、外野は fuck off (Of course)

口だけとか no way 必ずする証明、

Be generous 掌返し、するなら今、fuckin

Go my way

Music 誰かの一歩、music 誰かの心

Music 誰かの支え、hiphop lifeが要


愛を捧げ、soul を歌え、骨に変わる最後まで

  • Lyricist


  • Composer

    Bontch Swinga

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Listen to Change My Life by Miracle, Bontch Swinga

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Miracle, Bontch Swinga

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    Miracle, Bontch Swinga

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    Miracle, Bontch Swinga

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    Change My Life

    Miracle, Bontch Swinga

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    Miracle, Bontch Swinga

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    Blue Heaven

    Miracle, Bontch Swinga

Produced by BoNTCH SWiNGA

Artist Profile

  • Miracle

    The youngest attention MC who was born in Kyoto in 1998 and has been in Mic since 2016. It has a novel and delicate Rhyming and sharpened Lyric, and MC BATTLE has also participated actively and participated in the SPOT LIGHT and triumphant MCBATTLE spring teams in the past, and the voice is steadily expanding to national standards . Talent appears not only in BATTLE MC but rather in Live and production sound sources. There are those who cry and cry out in the stage where the emotions of emotions and emotions explode, whispering dreams, desires, love, and appreciation. May 1st year 1st EP "Kamikaze" was released. About half a year later, 1st Full album "The Lost World" was released from Kotobuki Records by full production by the hometown Bontch Swinga. Currently working on 2nd.3rd.EP

    Artist page

  • Bontch Swinga

    Beat maker / producer / MPC Player from Kyoto He started working as an original member MC of the long-established HipHopop crew KCYB (later BONGBROS) in Kyoto, but later developed his talent as a beat maker and produced numerous street hits as a sound source. After that, MC walk and Strawberry Panties were formed, and live activities centered around MPC live beating and hitting hundreds of stages on national tours and overseas expedition etc., convinced the possibility of MPC as a live sound, live Polish groove refinement technology in MPC where you can only get it. At the same time, I was asked to make full production by MC / YAMATO, an allied friend of the KCYB era. Underground HipHop Classic. After that, he collaborated with Binta Yamamoto on "Put me a vote!" Produced as a sound engineer, co-produced with MC / Miracle, the youngest company in the Kansai region, "Kamikaze" 1st Full Album " And still producing many works

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    Bontch Swingaの他のリリース

Kotobuki Records
