Get Back Frenzyのジャケット写真


Inner Conflict


We’ve lost a lot of things

Sometimes it’s money

Sometimes it’s trust or time

We always thought we’re making the best decisions

Believing that we’re always right

Never listening to what others had to say

Thinking we’re superior

Sometimes, you only learn after failing

Over and over again

I was confident and took action to gain a lot

I didn’t do it to lose When asked, “Are you satisfied now?”

I can’t really say But I’m probably satisfied enough

Goals change You know

But me being me, that never changes

What do you have left in your hands now?

To some, it might just look like trash

But you decide its worth for yourself

It’s your choice to keep it or

Throw it away

At least what I’m holding tight

Is worth far more than your words

I don’t care what you say anyway

Wasting time on that is pointless

So, time is finite

Don’t be afraid to try

Time is finite Oh

We’ve gained so much along the way

Freedom, love, and nights

With friends

Even the forgotten moments

Will someday come back

To mind We’ve given

And supported each other

Some have drifted away

But now

I believe, They found their own happiness

I was confident and took action to gain a lot

I didn’t do it to lose When asked, “Are you satisfied now?”

I can’t really say But I’m probably satisfied enough

Goals change You know

But me being me, that never changes

What do you have left in your hands now?

To some, it might just look like trash

But you decide its worth for yourself

It’s your choice to keep it or

Throw it away

At least what I’m holding tight

Is worth far more than your words

I don’t care what you say anyway

Wasting time on that is pointless

So, time is finite

Don’t be afraid to try

Time is finite

Don’t be afraid to try


  • 作詞


  • 作曲


  • プロデューサー


  • レコーディングエンジニア


  • ギター


  • ベースギター


  • ドラム


  • ボーカル


Get Back Frenzyのジャケット写真

EASTBAY の“Inner Conflict”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード

2024年にメンバーチェンジを経て半年…新生EASTBAYが放つNew E.P.「Get Back Frenzy」9曲入りに込められた楽曲は、変わらぬEASTBAYらしいビートの効いたストレートなスカパンクに加え、ロックンロールやアイリッシュパンクなどのエッセンスも配合し、また幅広いEASTBAYをアピール。
全曲捨て曲なし! 新生EASTBAY渾身のE.Pが完成!

