Start from Zero (kimidorilover) Front Cover

Start from Zero (kimidorilover)

Track List

  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music

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Yamaguchi Ai is a piano-vocalist in the husband-and-wife duo USK, which consists of Cajon & Percussion.

The unit began activities in 2010, and their 3rd single, "0-Second Start," was aired for a week on the nationwide TBS radio program "Anata e Morning Call."

Appeared on FM83.5 Takarazuka's "Growing Radio Show."
In August 2011, they were selected as the August Champion in the KinKi Music Champion Audition, hosted by FM85.1 and Yoshimoto Stargate.
In September 2011:
Performed at YOUNG JACK VOL.1, an event hosted by Kansai TV's "Mu-Jack."
Selected as a Hall of Fame Artist in Tokyo FM81.3 J-WAVE's "MUSIC HYPER MARKET" 2011 Summer Special.
Ranked 17th upon their first appearance in the program's rankings.
As of 2025, solo activities have become the main focus, and Kimidori Lover (Kimidori Lover) has been less active in recent years.
Therefore, the three-song release from September 28, 2011, under the name "Yamaguchi Ai" is now being re-released!

Artist Profile

  • Ai Yamaguchi

    5才よりクラシックピアノをはじめる。 中学〜大学までクラリネットで吹奏楽部や、市の吹奏楽団に所属 音大ではクラリネットを専攻し、クラシックを本格的に学ぶ。 高校生の時吹奏楽団に所属していた仲間が活動していたスカバンドに入り、アルトサックスでバンド活動を始める。アレンジ、作詞作曲も担当。 22才の時スキマスイッチの音楽に衝撃を受け、小さい頃からやりたかったボーカルを24才の頃から目指し、ピアノの弾き語りでユニット「君彩りLOVER」を結成。テレビやラジオなどに出演。 その後体調を崩した事をきっかけに、ウクレレをはじめる。YouTubeでは弾き語り動画をアップし、登録者2万人のチャンネルを運営中。

    Artist page

    Ai Yamaguchiの他のリリース