Sweet Swing Front Cover


Sweet Swing

Chun Chun

In 1961 trip to donuts 晴れた朝

こころまでは ちょっと晴れてないけれど

シナモンコーヒー あ…

夜中に 落としてた曲をかけてみる

In 1961 trip to donuts. ボリュームは上げないの



はぁ ため息は


はぁ ビブラフォン 溶けてく そっと飲み干して

Sweet Swing 甘くて

Sweet Swing 苦くて





Any more, and more あ…


In 1961 trip to donuts 旅に出よう

誰も知らない 話の相手も居ない曲だけど


はぁ 晴れた朝

ウッドベース Catウォーク

はぁ サキソフォン 溶けてく そっと飲み干して

Sweet Swing 甘くて

Sweet Swing 苦くて

ちょっと 二ッチかも


はぁ ため息は


はぁ ビブラフォン 溶けてく そっと飲み干して

はぁ 晴れた朝

ウッドベース Catウォーク

はぁ サキソフォン 溶けてく そっと飲み干して

Sweet Swing 甘くて

Sweet Swing 苦くて

ちょっと 二ッチかも


  • Lyricist

    Chun Chun

  • Composer

    Chun Chun

  • Producer

    Chun Chun

Sweet Swing Front Cover

Listen to Sweet Swing by Chun Chun

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    Sweet Swing

    Chun Chun

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    Chun Chun

It's a bit niche, but I want it to be interesting music that people will listen to for the first time!
The music genre is based on electro swing, with sounds that make you want to dance. Produced using jazz from the 1950s and 1960s, electronic equipment, and analog synths. The vocals also have a style that flexibly incorporates effects to add playful spice.
Activities start from December 2023. We will liven up the electro swing genre, which is still relatively unfamiliar in Japan!
Lyrics and composition by Chun Chun. The theme of the music is "a little niche". We deliver dance music that is niche but suitable for clubs and drives.

Artist Profile

  • Chun Chun

    The music genre is based on electronic swing, with sounds that make you want to dance. Produced using jazz from the 1950s and 1960s, electronic equipment, and analog synths. The vocals also have a style that flexibly incorporates effects to add playful spice. Activities start from December 2023. We will liven up the electronic swing genre, which is still relatively unfamiliar in Japan. songwriting by myself. The theme of the music is a little niche. We deliver dance music that is niche but suitable for clubs and drives.

    Artist page

    Chun Chunの他のリリース

chun2 Record
