I Pray (feat. Kiyo a.k.a. Nakid, KIN DA SHER ROCK & BAMBOO) Front Cover

I Pray (feat. Kiyo a.k.a. Nakid, KIN DA SHER ROCK & BAMBOO)

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A poignant piano melody paints a nostalgic picture of days gone by in Shibuya's vibrant club scene. The slow yet intense beat reflects the inner turmoil and longing for lost connections. The lyrics, filled with melancholy, express a deep yearning for a friend who has faded from their life. They serve as a heartfelt prayer, hoping that their feelings will reach their absent companion.

Artist Profile

  • The Novelestilo

    The Novelestilo (The Novelestilo) Formed in September 2006. Live hip-hop band by Hisashi Nakagawa (Gt), Hero-Cuts (Ba), Yoichi Nakamura a.k.a Ossan (Key), You gotta beat (Ds). Live activities mainly in Tokyo. He plays a variety of tracks with a jazz, funk, and soul-like feeling in a loop, pursuing the original track and dynamics of hip hop. Freestyle sessions with live-in MC and Singer are popular. Emergenza Music Festival 2008 Japan tournament winner. Won Best Singer & 4th overall at Emergenza Music Festival World Final held at Taubertal Festival in Germany 2008. The origin of the band name novel: innovative estilo: Style It comes from the thoughts of the members who combined.

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Green View Records