Two Sides, One Soulのジャケット写真


Two Sides, One Soul (Side B)

Barking Beats

Two sides, one soul, dancing in the in-between

Surfing through the waves, but bowing when I eat

Halfway here, halfway there, still making my own scene

Maybe that’s the beauty, yeah, maybe that’s just me

L.A. sun, skating down the boulevard

Late-night runs, burgers stacked up in my car

But at home, it's chopsticks, "いただきます"

Switching up my language, still don’t got it all unlocked

Two sides, one soul, dancing in the in-between

Surfing through the waves, but bowing when I eat

Halfway here, halfway there, still making my own scene

Maybe that’s the beauty, yeah, maybe that’s just me

Flipping through my story, half in English, half in kanji

Tryna read the lines, but the meaning’s never easy

Friends say, “Man, you got the best of both”

But sometimes it feels like I’m stuck between the coast

Two sides, one soul, dancing in the in-between

Surfing through the waves, but bowing when I eat

Halfway here, halfway there, still making my own scene

Maybe that’s the beauty, yeah, maybe that’s just me

Maybe I ain’t gotta pick just one

Maybe both my worlds can shine under the same sun

A little lost, but I’m learning how to be

Not one or the other, just fully, truly me

Two sides, one soul, dancing in the in-between

Surfing through the waves, but bowing when I eat

Halfway here, halfway there, still making my own scene

Maybe that’s the beauty, yeah, maybe that’s just me

  • 作詞

    Barking Beats

  • 作曲

    Barking Beats

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    Barking Beats

  • ボーカル

    Barking Beats

Two Sides, One Soulのジャケット写真

Barking Beats の“Two Sides, One Soul (Side B)”を


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    Two Sides, One Soul (Side A)

    Barking Beats

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    Two Sides, One Soul (Side B)

    Barking Beats

Barking Beats『Two Sides, One Soul』— “ひとつぶで二度美味しい"EP

L.A.育ちの日系アメリカ人アーティスト・Barking Beats が、自分自身のルーツやアイデンティティについてVLOGを通して語り、そのテーマを音楽で表現するプロジェクト。

デビュー作『Who am I?』に次ぐ第二弾EPとなる本作『Two Sides, One Soul』では、J-pop風アコースティックサウンド(Side-A)とCali styleポップトラック(Side-B)という、全く異なるサウンドアプローチで「2つの世界」を描き出す。


「VLOGと音楽」— 2つの表現方法を通して語られる、一人の少年のリアルな物語。Side-AとSide-B、2つのサウンドで聴くたびに新たな発見がある“二度美味しい”EPをぜひ体感してください。

