おうちで聴きたい本格ジャズラウンジBGM ~本を片手に~のジャケット写真

おうちで聴きたい本格ジャズラウンジBGM ~本を片手に~

Relax α Wave


※ 試聴は反映までに時間がかかる場合があります。
※ 著作権管理事業者等が管理する楽曲は試聴できません。

A collection of jazzy piano covers perfect for the background music at home! First Class Lounge Series new album bringing a relaxing and luxurious background music with the theme of"Jazzy sounds which invite you to a relaxing atmosphere" featuring Piano solo, and Piano, Saxophone and Wood Bass trio. Picked up from Jazz Standards to 70-80s hit songs by Madonna, Billy Joel and other great artists. This gorgeous and jazzy sound will entertain jazz beginners to big fans! Piano: Mikito Nakatani (M2. Piano: Masami Sato (M4) Piano: Shusuke Inari (M1.8.10) Bass: Daiki Mishima (M4) Bass: Syouji Uno (M1.8.10) Sax: Sayaka Seno (M1.8.10)


おうちで聴きたい本格ジャズラウンジBGM ~本を片手に~

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