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Low pride


捨てな そのLow pride もうとっくにしてる 世代交代

数少ない先輩 たくさんの後輩 本当は全員で儲かりたい


捨てな そのLow pride もうとっくにしてる 世代交代

数少ない先輩 たくさんの後輩 本当は全員で儲かりたい


荒れたネット 好き勝手言っとけ お前はPlayerじゃなく ただのHaterさ

俺が復帰してから 一曲も新曲出してないやつがよ Player Haterさ

それじゃ埋まらねえ 差は明確だろ 遊びに性出すならば ただのFake ass野郎

辞める前の俺にそっくりだ その無駄なキャリアだけ増した マイク握るな

生まれ変わった俺なら 3年さ そっか あいつは辞めたのか残念だが

どっちみち若手に喰われてお終いさ 去り際に気をつけなよ 戸締りは

はみ出てる尻尾 駄々漏れの嫉妬 まだピュアな分 若造の方がいいぞ

テキーラ飲みに来てるだけの酔っ払い 初めて気持ちが分かった こうはなりたく無い

捨てな そのLow pride もうとっくにしてる 世代交代

数少ない先輩 たくさんの後輩 本当は全員で儲かりたい


捨てな そのLow pride もうとっくにしてる 世代交代

数少ない先輩 たくさんの後輩 本当は全員で儲かりたい


欲しいなら くれてやる俺の椅子は

人生の経験が違う どれも実話

スキルなら誰にでも合わせてやる ステージの上 誰よりもカマシテやる

この街じゃ敵なし 文句なし 殿堂入り 音出しな 奏でる Bluesは Ghetto jiggy

結局俺が戻ってきたら逆効果? 着いてきなNew headz 残さず網羅

言葉 売り捌く 場所は不利じゃない 決して無理はない どこでもブチカマス

やってなきゃ落ち着かない 傷だらけ Kiss my life 乗り込みな この船は沈まない

この歌詞がウザくて 痛いなら図星だろ とりあえず 聞かせろ ライム&フロウ

同じ土俵に上がって 口 開きな その度胸ぐ無ければ すぐ家に帰りな

捨てな そのLow pride もうとっくにしてる 世代交代

数少ない先輩 たくさんの後輩 本当は全員で儲かりたい


捨てな そのLow pride もうとっくにしてる 世代交代

数少ない先輩 たくさんの後輩 本当は全員で儲かりたい


  • Lyricist


  • Composer


Spend It All Front Cover

Listen to Low pride by USU

Streaming / Download

  • 1



  • 2

    LGO (feat. DABO)


  • 3

    Easy game (feat. Lil Bell Dice)


  • 4

    Toki and Swan (feat. Shizma)


  • ⚫︎

    Low pride


  • 6

    Spend it all


  • 7

    ONKMS (feat. Kaito Kurosaki)


  • 8

    Phantom (feat. Ik0aN) [Remix]


  • 9

    Straight up (feat. Dr.KID, Lil Bell Dice, Ik0aN, Fitray, Kitaro yvng jet, MaM & Dr.ilda)


  • 10

    Mighty My team (feat. Kitaro yvng jet)


  • 11

    Loved one (feat. KOTA & Nozomi Kitay)


  • 12



  • 13



3 years since my return in 2021. He has already completed his third album since his return and the ninth of his career. Evolving from activities focused on Niigata, it has become a next-level work that features gorgeous artists such as DABO, DJ RYOW, Nozomi Kitay, and KOTA. All about USU. You'll know how to prepare.

Artist Profile

  • USU

    He started his career as a member of the legendary Niigata group "HIGH de CREW". They performed at Japan's largest HIP-HOP festival, B-BOY PARK, which was unprecedented for a local group, and energetically expanded their live performances throughout the country. After HIGH de CREW's hiatus, he released his first solo album [247-U N'I To You-] in the same year. The lead song "DAY ONE feat. In 2008, they released their 2nd album [365-ROOTS-]. The album features the participation of leading Japanese artists such as SEEDA, SIMON, TAROSOUL, Cypress Ueno, BUZZER BEATS, Darth Rader, and many more. His high skills and passionate lyricism have quickly spread throughout the country, solidifying his presence. The group he leads, "NITE FULL MAKERS," released the album "N" (JAY'ED, Rhyme Union, DJ WATARAI, SKY BEATZ, etc. participated). In the same year, he released his 3rd album [Bee,Bird,Butterfly]. In November 2013, he released his first mix CD "Un'USU'all mixed by DJ SATORU", which can be called his best album. It presented a "new form of mix CD. In December 2014, he released a mini-album "RES", and in March 2015, "DEMO TAPE" created with DJ KENZI in Nagano. In August 2015, he released his 5th album "COMPLETE BOY" and in December 2015, his own love song best "LOVATE". He continued his approach at an astonishing speed of four albums in one year. In the same year, he held his first solo live concert in three locations: Niigata (NEXS), Tokyo (Shibuya FAMILY), and Niigata (CLUB SEVEN). Each time they completely rocked the packed house of fans and heads. In November 2016, they released their sixth album "DOCK". The well-known Japanese hip-hop rasbos 'Hannya' participated in the album. In April 2017, he started a program called "AREA CONNECTION" every Monday at 10pm on WREP, a hip-hop radio station run by ZEEBRA. He has also participated in the live tour of Japan's leading Jazz artist 'TOKU', completely breaking down the boundaries of "hip-hop". He transmits real music from the countryside. Without a doubt, he is one of Japan's leading MCs. ~September 17, 2019: Suddenly retires and disappears from the scene. On January 27, 2021, he made his comeback to the scene with his return album "Too Late," and on January 5, 2022, he released his long-awaited seventh album "HALT," which reached #4 on the iTunes Hip-Hop chart. It was a fitting start to his comeback. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

    Artist page


