a long journey around memoriesのジャケット写真



Der Wurm Blumchen, IA

I can watch many and many screens

We surround ourselves with screens and images

But I'm not sure what they are for me and my world

Many colorful scenes in the screens

... But they might almost be nonsense for me

Maybe they have nothing to do with my private life

The Lives and Joys of someone unknown to me

Visions and Views and their Friends or something

Fake images and False informations

...All of them are just flowing flowing through my sights

Hold on and keep your consciousness !

Don't go to sleep with your little world and satisfaction !

All the images and visions are just flowing

Never go to sleep against our most important moment moment !

Coincidentally I had found a screen

One day there was a young man there

I felt like he's very intelligent

And he wore glasses and was politely speaking to me

"...Dear My Friends Around The World

Please Hear Me & Receive My Information Carefully & Consciously

Please Hear Me Dear My Friends

SCREENS SCREENS Surrounding Us Surrounding Us

SCREENS Observe Us Observe Us Observe All Of Our Lives Our Lives..."

I wonder whether nobody could listen to him

And I just could notice him speaking to me or maybe to all of us

But I say to myself "Is it important for me ?"

There are many and many joyful images in the screens surrounding us

We can still watch many screens

I'm forgetting watching the intelligent man

I'm almost satisfied with my ordinary working

We are getting busier and busier

Screens are more and more important

And we're having our eyes glued to the screens

Gossips and Scandals with a scornful laugh

Ill wills and Fights

... On the increase of ill feelings ill feelings

Campaigns Agitations for many problems

...Dissatisfactions and disappointments fill up while I'm not aware of that

Hold on and keep your consciousness !

Don't go to sleep with your disappointments and dissatisfactions !

All the joyful and ill feelings are just flowing

Never go to sleep against our most important moment moment !

The screens might force us to go to sleep

We might be forgetting our real world and unpleasant truths

While I'm standing alone and holding my screen

I suddenly remember what the young and intelligent man said

"...Dear My Friends Around The World

Please Hear Me & Receive My Information Carefully & Consciously

Please Hear Me Dear My Friends

SCREENS SCREENS Surrounding Us Surrounding Us

SCREENS Observe Us Observe Us Observe All Of Our Lives Our Lives..."

  • 作詞


  • 作曲


a long journey around memoriesのジャケット写真

Der Wurm Blumchen, IA の“Screens”を


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a long journey around memories

Der Wurm Blumchen, IA

英語歌詞による全11 曲のオリジナルボカロアルバム。それぞれの歌詞は短編小説のような情景を描いています。 またギター、ベース、ドラムのみの構成でのアレンジ。基本はギターロックサウンドですが、様々なジャンルも含んでいます。ボーカルはIA English CeVIO。2020年から2022年にかけて製作。

