a long journey around memoriesのジャケット写真


an accident

Der Wurm Blumchen, IA

An accident ,there was an accident ,while I was driving through the highway

The siren rang ,the siren screamed loudly ,so I was too upset

Out of control ,the traffic got out of control ,I could not arrive at the center of the city

I got stuck in ,we got stuck in traffic ,but I had to get there

Red lamps confused me with the accident

The sirens irritated me in the highway

Then the full moon was coming out from behind a few clouds

,like looking down on the people and the city

And the night was too humid ,so I wiped the sweat off

,surrounded by the sirens and the loud cell phone calls

I suddenly realized that I had lost consciousness in a driver's seat

,when I saw the moon ,the silver bright moon

Awaking to my full mind ,but I was not sure what happened

There were just the accident and the siren's noises

The full moon ,there's only the full moon ,without any stars ,there are no stars

I wonder why I had to arrive at the center of the city

Thick chimneys ,that are smoking badly ,in a wide river ,dirty water is flowing

And in the view ,I am starting forgetting the accident and the sirens

Red lamps are glistening like warning

And forgetting the accident ,I cannot remember something else

Suddenly my cell phone is ringing ,but I'm getting stuck in my car and my daydream

,at my own blank heart

So I don't think I need to get on the phone ,my ringing cell phone

I say to myself ,"Who calls me ?" absent-mindedly

The ringtone is getting louder and louder ,so I throw the phone out of my car window

,with a matter of worry

I'm beginning to sing a funny melody ,though in the accident

We're still getting stuck in traffic congestion at midnight

The night is still too humid ,so I wipe the sweat off

,the silver full moon at the great height

Something is exploded and sirens are screaming so piercingly

Thick chimneys are smoking badly

The wide river is dirty

People are forced to get stuck in the terrible accident

They lose consciousness

They are too confused

It is impossible to arrive at the center of the city

And finally nobody really knows what happens

My car getting stuck in the highway and the accident

,I can just sing ,just sing a funny melody joyfully

,under the moon ,silver brightness at the great height

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a long journey around memoriesのジャケット写真

Der Wurm Blumchen, IA の“an accident”を


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a long journey around memories

Der Wurm Blumchen, IA

英語歌詞による全11 曲のオリジナルボカロアルバム。それぞれの歌詞は短編小説のような情景を描いています。 またギター、ベース、ドラムのみの構成でのアレンジ。基本はギターロックサウンドですが、様々なジャンルも含んでいます。ボーカルはIA English CeVIO。2020年から2022年にかけて製作。

