a long journey around memoriesのジャケット写真


a white little kitten (Another Drums Ver)

Der Wurm Blumchen, IA

There's a white little kitten ,cutely

She's having some milk

Someone feeds her

And she's alone

,but she feels happy rather than doesn't feel sad ,like the moon at midnight

There's a white little kitten ,lovely

And her life is simple

She does things she can

But she's not very patient and strong

She's very good at jumping and singing

A high wall in front of her she runs into

She just tries to jump over it

And she says

,"I did it ,so don't think it ,don't stop it ,Problems are just in my head !"

There's a white little kitten ,freely

She seems lonely

Take care of nothing !

And she's feeling like singing cheerfully

Even though no one listens to her clear voices

"Imagine the sights that you've never seen !"

While she is singing and walking ,she is telling herself

"And after all ,don't worry ,Problems are just in our minds."

We would hear the kitten's clear voices at midnight in our neighborhoods ,maybe

She might sing the songs

She's just with the moon

She might sing the songs

We would see the kitten's special jumping at midnight in our neighborhoods ,maybe

She might jump the wall

She's just with the moon

She might jump the wall ,the high wall

  • 作詞


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a long journey around memoriesのジャケット写真

Der Wurm Blumchen, IA の“a white little kitten (Another Drums Ver)”を


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a long journey around memories

Der Wurm Blumchen, IA

英語歌詞による全11 曲のオリジナルボカロアルバム。それぞれの歌詞は短編小説のような情景を描いています。 またギター、ベース、ドラムのみの構成でのアレンジ。基本はギターロックサウンドですが、様々なジャンルも含んでいます。ボーカルはIA English CeVIO。2020年から2022年にかけて製作。

