Why so Serious ?
Der Wurm Blumchen, IA
One day when I was waiting for the bus ,there was a boy
The little boy was looking down ,looking down at the ground ,sitting down
At first I didn't notice him at all
Why didn't I notice the cute boy?
Maybe my mind was too busy ,too busy with many problems
So I realized him sitting down next to me
"What is given his gaze?"
There was a blue flower ,a very blue ,small and beautiful flower
Suddenly the boy stood up and smiled at me and disappeared from my sight
On a hedge ,there was a white little kitten purring cutely
A gentle breeze blew ,fluffy white clouds were floating across the blue sky
My mind was too busy to not notice how peaceful the world around me
"What is the reason for my waiting for the bus and for getting to my destination?"
When I said to myself ,the little boy was running with a gust of wind ,in front of me
"Why are you ,why are you so serious?"
The boy told me as if his voice made me awake from my daydream about our problems
In broad daylight at the rural busstop ,that was a little occurrence
It was the time I was waiting for the bus to somewhere ,alone
"There're many problems around the world" ,I heard it from my cell phone
The young man with glasses was talking to somebody quietly and seriously
...Many wars ,poor crops ,children's starvations ,observation under governments
My mind was too busy and daydreaming about all the problems
"It's all right for your mind to be so busy as far as you cannot forget loving
,loving the wonderful world."
The cute boy whispered and smiled at me waiting for something
Then I realized
I lost Love ,wasn't conscious of that and my heart could not sing songs joyfully
I couldn't notice the flower
Because I was daydreaming ,my eyes were closed in front of the world
The trees were covered with green leaves ,white birds were flying
I couldn't notice ,couldn't see all the sights
At that moment a little old ,rusty bus arrived at the rural busstop where I stood
"The world is far ,far beyond your imaginations
,although there're too many problems around the world ,but they're just bad illusions."
Leaving the words ,the little cute boy disappeared with a gust of wind
,at the rural busstop in broad daylight
Why am I ,why am I so serious?
I say to myself ,riding on the rusty ,old bus rattling noise along a rural area
A gentle breeze blows ,fluffy white clouds are floating across the blue sky
It's the time I return to the ordinary life from solitude
...With a little Love
...Why are you ,why are you so serious...?
...Don't forget ,don't forget loving ,loving the world...!
...Although there're lots of miseries all over the world ,the world
- 作詞
- 作曲
Der Wurm Blumchen, IA の“Why so Serious ?”を
ストリーミング / ダウンロード
a long journey around memories
Der Wurm Blumchen, IA
- 1
a blue bird (Another Mix)
Der Wurm Blumchen, IA
- 2
Lily K.
Der Wurm Blumchen, IA
- 3
halfway through the terminal
Der Wurm Blumchen, IA
- 4
Along the Oceanfront
Der Wurm Blumchen, IA
- 5
Der Wurm Blumchen, IA
- 6
an accident
Der Wurm Blumchen, IA
- 7
a white little kitten (Another Drums Ver)
Der Wurm Blumchen, IA
- 8
What a Thick Fog
Der Wurm Blumchen, IA
- 9
The World Needs Our Memories
Der Wurm Blumchen, IA
- 10
after a long journey
Der Wurm Blumchen, IA
- ⚫︎
Why so Serious ?
Der Wurm Blumchen, IA
英語歌詞による全11 曲のオリジナルボカロアルバム。それぞれの歌詞は短編小説のような情景を描いています。 またギター、ベース、ドラムのみの構成でのアレンジ。基本はギターロックサウンドですが、様々なジャンルも含んでいます。ボーカルはIA English CeVIO。2020年から2022年にかけて製作。
Der Wurm Blumchen
20代前半から独学で作曲を始め”まっぷー”名義で同人ゲーム等BGMの作曲依頼を受ける。2004年以降5年間に複数の同人サークルに計150曲以上のBGMを提供。また龍谷大学よさこいサークル”華舞龍”の演舞曲を華舞龍メンバーと共同で製作。 2012年以降DTMでの作曲活動を休止し打ち込みから離れて自らがパフォーマーとして表現することを試みるが指の故障等で挫折。同時に20世紀のクラシックに目覚めクラシック鑑賞が日常的に、本物の音楽を日々吸収する毎日を。 それらの活動を通して得た経験を元に2016年、新たにボカロPとして独自の世界の表現を目指してDTMによる作曲活動を再開。 2020年よりIA English CeVIOを用いた英語歌詞による作品の制作も。
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