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I’m a solo guitarist based in Osaka. I primarily play on a Fender Stratocaster and Dean ML, using a Marshall Code 25 amp. I compose music on Cubase Pro 12 with a MacBook Air, and my audio interface is a Steinberg UR-22. My main effects pedals are the MXR 5150 Overdrive and AKAI Headrush E2, but I use various others depending on the track. My compositions often draw inspiration from emotional experiences with books or movies. I frequently use odd time signatures and aim for a dramatic progression in my music. I started playing guitar at 16, initially practicing Led Zeppelin songs. Around 17, I began teaching myself music theory and composition, and by 19, I was playing in bands, writing and performing original music. I suffered from depression around 2011, which led to a 10-year break from music, but after overcoming it, I returned to music with a renewed passion to live through guitar and music. I also collaborate with other composers on YouTube and create music for projects through requests from friends in the music industry. Music and the guitar have been my lifeline, and I hope to be able to give back to others in a meaningful way. I don’t aim for perfection, often sharing music and videos even if they’re only 70% complete with some mistakes. I want to encourage other guitarists and musicians to embrace imperfection and focus on expressing themselves without fear.