Track List

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"From a room in a certain city, I looked out at the world, drifting back and forth across the sea of emotions, and this song was born. Influences from musicians like Akiko Yano, Kirinji, and Ringo Sheena are evident in this new track from 'OWC' , a singer-songwriter based in Kagoshima. Their new song 'ichimenshika Shiranai' will be released for streaming on September 4, 2024, under the Natural Foundation label, Situation.Kagoshima / NF Recordings. Next release: 'Gotta Watch TV!?' scheduled for early October."

"OWC's first EP, 'My Life,' which was self-released in February of this year, attracted attention among early adopters and subculture fans for its unique songs, described as 'subtly void boredom-pop' and 'introverted city pop.' Additionally, the lo-fi pop music video, directed by OWC themself, with its mix of nonsense and venom, added to the buzz around the artist.

Amid this buzz, I received an email. Yes, a message from none other than the very person behind the hype OWC. In the email, they wrote, 'Since childhood, I've listened to jazz, bossa nova, and rock at home, studied classical and jazz piano, and while I love the sound of many songs, I often felt the lyrics didn't quite resonate with me. That's why I started creating the music I want to hear, born from "my own life." Attached to the email were several tracks. 'Only Know One Side' was one of them. After checking the profile and listening to the tracks, we decided to release it immediately.

This marks OWC's current position in 2024, where sensitivity meets intellect. The jagged blend of pop, sophistication, and venom quickly turned into 'addictive music.' I believe they are a talent with a promising future."

Past Playlist In

Ichimenshika Shiranai

Spotify • New Music Everyday - tuneTracks (curated by TuneCore Japan) • 5 Sep 2024

Artist Profile

  • OWC

    OWC(オーダブルシー)プロフィール 鹿児島県鹿児島市生まれ。大学4年生。美術専攻。
幼少からピアノに親しみ、コードに興味を持つ。 メロディと歌詞のキャッチーさと違和感のバランスをとることが信条。 色んな曲を聴いてサウンドは好きだけど歌詞がしっくりこないということが多く、「自分の生活」から生まれる、自分の聴きたい曲を作り始める。 好きな言葉は「泥のように眠る」、 好きな色は「ターコイズブルー」 趣味はピアノで好きな和音を弾くこと、探すこと、お笑いを観ること、絵を描くこと、つくること等。 影響を受けた音楽家:東京事変、椎名林檎、キリンジ、 Lamp、YMO、矢野顕子、坂本龍一、ピンクフロイド、80年代の曲、ジャズ、ゴスペル、スティーリ ー・ダン、相対性理論、ゆらゆら帝国など。 2024 年 2 月 28 日 1st EP「私の生活」をリリース。
 2024 年 9 月 4 日配信 sg 「一面しか知らない」配信リリース予定。 Instagram @owc903 X @owc903
 OWC YouTube ch

    Artist page


Situation.Kagoshima / NF Recordings