Stars Front Cover




I know my feelings are changing

Something is trying to hurt feel

I remember the day

I lost my mind

The light fades

Into the night haze

When I'm afraid of the night

And when I'm asking someone

For save tonight

Memories of the past

Always come back

I regret it now I miss you again

Why did I lose

My baby at that time?

I just wanted to stay

If you're crying at night

I want to go to your side again

Who will you spend time

With in this sky?

I keep crossing these stars

I know I can't help but regret

I am staying here again

How long should I keep falling?

I'm scared of getting hurt again

I'm trying to stay here in vain

Only time passes in vain

When I don't know where I belong

And when I was paralyzed

By fear of scars

I'm afraid of something

Again tonight

Even if can't return

I miss you again

Why did I lose

My baby at that time?

I just wanted to stay

If you're crying at night

I want to go to your side again

Who will you spend time

With in this sky?

I keep crossing these stars

I know I can't help but regret

I am staying here again

Why did I lose

My baby at that time?

I just wanted to stay

If you're crying at night

I want to go to your side again

Who will you spend time

With in this sky?

I keep crossing these stars

I know I can't help but regret

I am staying here again

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Stars Front Cover

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2023 2/4 Arclipse UNIFIED - Stars

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