MISSION Front Cover




Let's get it on Let's get it on

目指す先はTOP Let's get it on

Nobody caan stop 目指す先はTOP

この暗い道を 進むMISSION

散らかる部屋 頭の中エラー 分からない事だらけだな

それでも今明日へ向かうただ 分からせる俺のやり方

ネガティヴなど要らない 寄せ付けもしないBud mind

朝日が出てくるMidnight 自分を信じてただトライ

この広い世界の中で 自分が生きた証残せ

何も恐れる事なかれ 絶対掴み取るその日まで

時には打たれる雨霰 仕方ないよ自然の流れ

この先晴れるのは確かだぜ カマせよ自分のやり方で

Let's get it on  Let's get it on

目指す先はTOP  Let's get it on

Nobody caan stop 目指す先はTOP

この暗い道を 進むMISSION

やるかやらないかだ 信じた道を進むただ

お金に時間と体力注ぎ込んでも この世の中Unbalance

でもこれが好きだから 今に叶えてみせるから

仲間に家族に友達 ほんまにおおきに これが俺のPower

妬みにヘイト取っ払って 今に見とけよやってやんぜ

泥臭くても這い上がって 俺にも出来るってこれが証明

顔も知らない本当のパパ 迷惑かけてごめんよMother

憧れてた少年から 今じゃ俺が夢与える側

Let's get it on Let's get it on

目指す先はTOP Let's get it on

Nobody caan stop 目指す先はTOP

この暗い道を 進むMISSION

この広い世界の中で 自分が生きた証残せ

何も恐れる事なかれ 絶対掴み取るその日まで

時には打たれる雨霰 仕方ないよ自然の流れ

この先晴れるのは確かだぜ カマせよ自分のやり方で

Let's get it on

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MISSION Front Cover


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Determined to live by the sound and to leave living proof, our MISSION is to keep singing without giving up! Kuusuke who sings life-size to Ruff & Tuff wrote this Rudeboy anthem.

Artist Profile


    Born in Shiga Prefecture. Born and raised in Shiga, he went to Jamaica, the home of reggae music, at the age of 19, and later moved to Osaka. He founded and supported the current young Kansai reggae scene, and is respected by soundmen and artists outside the reggae scene for the impact of his lyrics and live performances. When he was 17 years old, he first learned that there were senior reggae artists in his hometown, and influenced by the DeeJay Style on the spot, he started singing. Since then, he has always been at the forefront of the young reggae scene, and his unique activities have brought his "real voice with ambition" to the scene. The appeal of Kusuke's music is his aggressive and straightforward view of the world. He has the ability to execute with a strong, manly core and the ability to say, "Let's do it! Let's do it! No problem! We can all relate to the strong vitality that is necessary for young people. This is why Kusuke's music, regardless of genre, is so natural. This is probably because his view of life and the way he lives his life without lies are so moving. He hosts an event called "BUN IT UP" at GARDEN BAR in Osaka, and has invited numerous artists as guests to excite the scene! Kusuke is still a man to keep an eye on. Without him, Japanese reggae cannot be talked about in the future.

    Artist page


