Giant iron mass
Find it in front of me
Harmful or Harmless?
They are messages
I felt that way when I first saw it
For it was ugly and beautiful
Why, I don't know why, but I started to feel like this
I just couldn't stop wondering about it
Nobody can feel this world
So I look back and see it alone
Ah, ah, it’s heavy
Why don't people around me see the deformity?
It could show up anywhere and anytime in many ways
Nobody knows what this is
So I’m alone against you here
Suffering pervades this place
Giant iron mass
Find it in front of me
Harmful or Harmless?
They are messages
I felt that way when I first saw it
For it was ugly and beautiful
Why don't people around me see the deformity?
It could show up anywhere and anytime in many ways
Nobody knows what this is
So I’m alone against you here
It takes me away from annoying place
Just pray to sky and beg to you
No border line, mixed in and freeze
Giant iron mass
Find it in front of me
Harmful or Harmless?
They are messages
I felt that way when I first saw it
For it was ugly and beautiful
Why, I don't know why, but I started to feel like this
I just couldn't stop wondering about it
Nobody can feel this world
So I look back and see it alone
Ah, ah, it was me
- 作詞
Masayuki Yamaguchi, Hayata Goto
- 作曲
Masayuki Yamaguchi
- プロデューサー
CYANSEA の“In Front of My Eyes”を
ストリーミング / ダウンロード
- ⚫︎
In Front of My Eyes
2021年結成。2022年にライブ活動を開始する。 メタル、ポップス、エレクトロといった音楽を独自の解釈で組み合わせ、シリアスかつエモーショナルな世界観の楽曲を展開している。 ライブではハードコアやメタルコアから影響を受けたアグレッシヴなステージングに加え、バックモニターに映像を写しつつ演奏を行うことで音楽に止まらない没入感の高いアートを表現。 また、音源制作、ライブ演出、ビデオディレクション、マーチデザインに至るまでをセルフで完成させている。