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Brand new home


Brand new home いつか欲しいな 日の当たる場所

Brand new home 買えるかな 高嶺の花

Brand new home そいつは良いな 新しい夢だ

こんなオイラでも 買えるなら 頑張っちゃうぜ

だけど現実は 厳しかバイ

一度きりの人生を行こう! この道を

Brand new day 始まった!声を上げろよ〜

Brand new day 窓を開けて世の中にSay Hello!

Countrysideの Old fashioned boy 旅の途中でも

Countrysideの わが故郷を 忘れてないさ

Countrysideの I’m an old fashioned boy


今夜で最後の涙拭いて またやり直しさ


疲れ果てて 嫌になったら帰ろう 来た道を

Brand new home いつか欲しいな 今は一人でも

Brand new home 見つかるさ 素敵な人も

Brand new day 始まった!声を上げろよ〜

Brand new day 窓を開けて世の中にSay Hello!

世の中にSay Hello! Oh Brand new home

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Listen to Brand new home by KEITAKU

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Artist Profile


    Keitaku Acoustic guitar unit living in Fukuoka. Formed in May 2001 by two guys who happened to be next to each other on the street and hit it off. They made their major label debut on July 6, 2005 with "Little Light. With folk and blues as their roots music, they stick to analog textures and create a "new style of pop music" that combines the warmth of the good old days with freshness. They have an established reputation for their live performances and are overwhelmingly talented in both performance and singing. Their life-size lyrics and exquisite guitar playing are a must for Japanese audiences!

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