Fine thank you! Front Cover


Fine thank you!


Hey Hey 調子どうだい? 冴えない顔してるぜ

ちょっと ビール飲みに行こうか?

パッと気晴らしに ズバッと朝まで いっちょどうだい?

夜の風が吹いている 君が笑ってる

言葉は宙に浮いて ひとつずつ弾けてく

もぉ Fine thank you!

大丈夫!分かってるって らしくなかったな…

ちょっと 最近 忘れてたな

あの頃の様な スカッと迷いのない この気持ち

ありがとうって呟いた 君が笑ってる

思い出は色あせない 明日へと繋いでく

Oh Fine thank you!

夜の風が吹いている 君が笑ってる

言葉は宙に浮いて ひとつずつ弾けてく

ありがとうって呟いた 僕も笑ってる

思い出は色あせない 明日へと繋いでく

Oh Fine thank you!

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Fine thank you! Front Cover

Listen to Fine thank you! by KEITAKU

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Artist Profile


    Keitaku Acoustic guitar unit living in Fukuoka. Formed in May 2001 by two guys who happened to be next to each other on the street and hit it off. They made their major label debut on July 6, 2005 with "Little Light. With folk and blues as their roots music, they stick to analog textures and create a "new style of pop music" that combines the warmth of the good old days with freshness. They have an established reputation for their live performances and are overwhelmingly talented in both performance and singing. Their life-size lyrics and exquisite guitar playing are a must for Japanese audiences!

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