I am a secret, I’m not the only one
And I wondering in your eyes
You are a witness
Maybe you miss this
Take you aside and talk
Behind of behind
Don’t... Don’t let me down
When time goes around into the water
Don’t say we kept you down
When time goes around into the water
Want you feel it, all my heart
Even a piece of my heart
Even when I lost my words
Even when I lost my hope and mind, believe then I’m kind
You will keep me down
But I know nobody knows
Don’t... Don’t let me down
When time goes around into the water
Don’t say we kept you down
When time goes around into the water
Want you feel it, all my heart
Even a piece of my heart
- Lyricist
Hollow Suns
- Composer
Hollow Suns

Listen to Into the Water by Hollow Suns
Streaming / Download
- 1
Waiting for the Time
Hollow Suns
- ⚫︎
Into the Water
Hollow Suns
- 3
It's All There
Hollow Suns
- 4
Heavy in the Air
Hollow Suns
- 5
No One Stays
Hollow Suns
- 6
Back in My Head
Hollow Suns
- 7
Believe in
Hollow Suns
- 8
Drift Me Off
Hollow Suns
- 9
Out of Touch
Hollow Suns
- 10
Hollow Suns
- 11
Longest Night
Hollow Suns
- 12
A Blaze of Light
Hollow Suns
- 13
Hollow Suns
- 14
Chasing Time
Hollow Suns
2014年に東京にて結成後、2015年に3曲入りEP「Hollow Suns」をセルフ・リリース。JIMMY EAT WORLD、FOO FIGHTERS、SMASHING PUMPKINSらに代表されるオルタナティブ・ロック、グランジ、パンク、シューゲイザーなど様々な音楽的影響と、バンドのルーツにあるハードコアのグルーヴやメロディック・パンクのフックをブレンドさせたアグレッシブかつパワフルで骨太なロック・サウンドで、結成間もないながらCOUNTRY YARD、SHADOWS、AND PROTECTOR、PALM、waterweedら国内勢から、NOTHING、CITIZEN、ANGEL DU$T、THE MENZINGERSを始めとする数々の海外アーティストのツアー・サポートをこなす。2017年に4曲入り2nd EP「Hollow Suns II」を発表後、カナダのDAGGERMOUTHとUKのGNARWOLVESのジャパン・ツアーに帯同。2018年にcosmicnoteより静岡・三島の盟友AND PROTECTORとのスプリットをリリースし、全12本に及ぶツアーを行うとKOTORI、bacho、ATATA、MEANINGらとも共演。2019年9月にアメリカのSunday Drive Recordsより、5曲入り3rd EP「Into The Water」をリリース。オルタナティブ特有のアグレッシブさの中に、メンバーが思い描くグランジ・サウンドを現代版にアップデートさせたキャッチーでメロディアスな楽曲は、シンプルながらも随所に多様なアイデアを盛り込んだストレートなパンク/ロック・サウンドで話題となり、バンドの成長を感じさせる作品となった。また、同作より使用されているバンドロゴは、TITLE FIGHTのギタリストでPoison Thorn名義でデザイナーとしても幅広く活動するShane Maronが手掛けている。同作リリース後は、自身のレコ発に加えて、シカゴのHOMESAFEとのカップリング・ツアーも行なっている。現在までにCOUNTRY YARD、SHADOWS、bacho、HAWAIIAN6、PALM、waterweed、AND PROTECTOR、FOR A REASONら国内勢から、THE STORY SO FAR、THE MOVIELIFE、THE MENZINGERS、SAMAIM、NOTHING、CITIZEN、ANGEL DU$T、CHUNK! NO, CAPTAIN CHUNK!、RED CITY RADIO、MODERN COLORら海外勢と共演。2021年6月にICE GRILL$より、これまでの4作品を完全網羅した「Process Of Losing」をリリースする。また、7月には新代田FEVER、大阪PANGEA、名古屋stiffslack VENUEにて同作のリリース・ツアーの開催が決定している。
Artist Profile
Hollow Suns
Hollow Suns was formed in Tokyo in 2014. The following year, they self-released their 3-song EP Hollow Suns, quickly gaining recognition by supporting tours for domestic acts such as COUNTRY YARD, SHADOWS, AND PROTECTOR, PALM, and waterweed, as well as international bands including NOTHING, CITIZEN, ANGEL DU$T, and THE MENZINGERS. In 2017, they released their 4-song second EP Hollow Suns II and joined the Japan tours of DAGGERMOUTH (Canada) and GNARWOLVES (UK). The following year, they released a split EP with AND PROTECTOR via cosmicnote and embarked on a 12-show nationwide tour, sharing the stage with KOTORI, bacho, ATATA, MEANING, and others. In September 2019, Hollow Suns released their 5-song third EP Into The Water via Sunday Drive Records (US). The release showcased the bands growth and evolution, gaining attention from both fans and critics. The bands logo for this release was designed by TITLE FIGHT guitarist Shane Maron (Poison Thorn). Following the release, they toured with HOMESAFE (Chicago) on a co-headlining tour. In June 2021, ICE GRILL$ released their discography album Process Of Losing, compiling their four previous works. In July, the band embarked on a release tour, and in March, they hosted ICE GRILL$ & HOLLOW SUNS presents "Holiday in the Sun vol.1", which sold out immediately. On June 8, 2022, Hollow Suns released their first full-length album Otherside, produced by Will Yip. They followed up with an 11-show national tour, concluding with a tour final at Spotify O-WEST in December. In 2023, they supported international acts such as NO PRESSURE, ANXIOUS, FIDDLEHEAD, DRUG CHURCH, ANGEL DU$T, and SOUL BLIND on their Japan tours. In November, they released the single All You Got. In 2024, Hollow Suns continued supporting international acts, including KOYO, SUPERHEAVEN, TEENAGE WRIST, NARROW HEAD, BELMONT, NO PRESSURE, REGULATE, FLESHWATER, and STAND STILL. They also performed with THE BONEZ. On February 9, they released their new EP Free Fall via ICE GRILL$ (Japan) / SUNDAY DRIVE RECORDS (US). In March, they supported CITIZEN in Bangkok, Thailand. In June, they embarked on their first-ever US tour (16 shows) alongside LEAVING TIME (US). In October, they returned to the US for another tour, serving as the opening act for RIVAL SCHOOLS and performing at two festivals. In 2025, Hollow Suns will support the Japan tours of RIVAL SCHOOLS and THE STORY SO FAR, as well as take on the role of primary organizer for LEAVING TIMEs Japan tour.
Hollow Sunsの他のリリース
Ice Grill$ Records