Cotton Candy Skies Skyline Front Cover


Cotton Candy Skies Skyline

Insync Record


Pink and blue so high

Colors in the sky

Cotton candy vibes

Feels like we can fly

[Verse 2]

Clouds are dancing slow

Sunset's gentle glow

Stars about to show

Let's just take it slow


Cotton candy skies

We see with our eyes

Dreaming on the rise

In this sweet surprise

[Verse 3]

Hearts begin to race

In this cherished place

Smile across your face

Love in every trace


Cotton candy skies

We see with our eyes

Dreaming on the rise

In this sweet surprise


Hold my hand stay close

Magic no one knows

Feel the evening's brush

In this twilight hush

  • Lyricist

    Insync Record

  • Composer

    Insync Record

Cotton Candy Skies Skyline Front Cover

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    Cotton Candy Skies Skyline

    Insync Record

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