NEW WORLDのジャケット写真


Shed tears


My hands are stained with blood

A stranger lies at my feet

My heart seems to

Have been eroded

There was no light in your eyes

I'm shedding tears

Bloods or tears run

Down my cheeks

Why is it so sad and painful

This should set me free


I broke all and tried to forget


Haven't broken the man

Who killed her yet

I want to be free

I want…

I'm shedding tears

Bloods or tears

Run down my cheeks

Why is it so sad and painful

This should set me free

I'm shedding tears

This should set me free

I'm shedding tears

Bloods or tears

Run down my cheeks

Why is it so sad and painful

This should set me free

I'm shedding tears

Bloods or tears

Run down my cheeks

Why is it so sad and painful

This should set me free

  • 作詞


  • 作曲


NEW WORLDのジャケット写真

iLLSOMiA の“Shed tears”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード

これまで積み重ねてきたiLLSOMiAのイメージを打ち壊す、まさに「NEW WORLD」というタイトルが示す通りのミニアルバム。
表題曲「New World」のほか、すでにシングルカットされLIVEの定番局となった「Raise the flag」、初のバラード楽曲「Lover」など新境地全5曲入り。

