NEW WORLDのジャケット写真




I longed to be hero

I respected

Them for their belief

I think they wanted to

Change this strange world

When I was a kid

I knew what is right

I don't remember

When I lost myself

I think the heros forgotten

That this world is broken

I want to be a hero

There’s something

They must protect as

Long as they live

I don’t know... it

But I need that

They need to keep thinking

About reasons to fight evil

I don’t know... it

Those who seek it become heroes



They would have shed many tears

There were lives

Could not be saved

But they never stop fighting

Don't run away from yourself

I want to be a hero

There’s something

They must protect

As long as they live

I don’t know... it

But I need that

They need to keep

Thinking about

Reasons to fight evil

I don’t know it

Those who seek it become heroes

There’s something

They must protect

As long as they live

I don’t know... it

But I need that

They need to keep

Thinking about

Reasons to fight evil

I don’t know it

Those who seek it become heroes

  • 作詞


  • 作曲


NEW WORLDのジャケット写真



ストリーミング / ダウンロード

これまで積み重ねてきたiLLSOMiAのイメージを打ち壊す、まさに「NEW WORLD」というタイトルが示す通りのミニアルバム。
表題曲「New World」のほか、すでにシングルカットされLIVEの定番局となった「Raise the flag」、初のバラード楽曲「Lover」など新境地全5曲入り。

