The Part Of The Endless Circlesのジャケット写真




We've been together with songs

Days have gone so fast

You broke out the silence

Conflict when you're younger

Into strayed from the blood

The fading past

A truth you reveal out

Incomplete understanding

Distant memories

I remember the first time you confided in me

The calm way you speak about your family

I remember

I never forget

We will now share all your pain

So I hope you don' t give up your hope Reuniting on that day

He and she has never changes, and you also

So you can start all over again

I swear your loneliness is not only yours and both sorrow and joy

Unchanging thoughts in the shifting currents

Hatred for recognition

Our own suffering that nobody might understands

Trust yourself to not lose

To not beat anyone


Drawing new

And no solace

You stepped on the ground to ink

I don't feel it shame

I know it through your pain

He called your name and she closed her eyes

(The days like this might will go on

Still, something has started to change)

Talk to me a lot

Talk to me a lot

For your everything

Your everything

  • 作詞

    Kai Nagashima

  • 作曲


  • レコーディングエンジニア

    Ryo Usui

  • ミキシングエンジニア

    Ryo Usui

  • マスタリングエンジニア

    Ryo Usui

  • ギター


  • ベースギター


  • ドラム


  • ボーカル


The Part Of The Endless Circlesのジャケット写真

Stranded の“Blessed”を


ストリーミング / ダウンロード
