Songs for tomorrow Front Cover


If you love your child, send him/her out into the world!


かわいい子には旅をさせろと言うけれど 今どきそんな大人が一体どこにいるのか?

かわいい子どもをがんじがらめに縛り付け 一体どんな未来をつくりたいんだろう

サイコロ転がし6だけ出すよな人生が ほんとに幸せだって言えるのか?

たまには1回休んでのんびりする旅も いいことあるってあんたもわかるだろ?

右へ行けとか左はダメとか言うけれど サイコロくらい自分で振らせてやれよ

敷かれたレールじゃwalkin’ like a 「STAND BY ME」


かわいい子には旅をさせろと言うけれど 今どきそんな大人が一体どこにいるのか?

かわいい子どもをがんじがらめに縛り付け 一体どんな未来をつくるつもりだろう

どこに行くのも金魚のフンじゃ情けねぇ 一体あんたらいつまで生きるつもりか?

地面に足つき大地に根をはり一人立つ ほんとはあんたも夢見ているんだろう?

崖の上からいつでもやさしく見守って そいつがあんたの大きな仕事じゃないのか?



今日はどこへ行くのかな? 今日は誰と会うのかな?

四角い箱を見ながら いつまでも私は待ってます

気がつきゃかわいい子どもはいつでもオリの中 三度のメシだけ食わせてあとは鎖につながれて

気がつきゃ自分も毎日毎日オリの中 これじゃ一体どっちが見せ物か

かわいい子には旅をさせろと言うけれど 今どきそんな大人が一体どこにいるのか?

かわいい子どもをがんじがらめに縛り付け 一体どんな未来をつくりたいんだろう oh yeah

かわいい子どもが旅立つためのチケットを いつまであんたが握りしめているのか?

かわいい子どもの旅立つ姿に手を振って 笑顔でホームの隅から見送ろう

  • Lyricist

    Satoru Wakui

  • Composer

    Satoru Wakui

Songs for tomorrow Front Cover

Listen to If you love your child, send him/her out into the world! by Wakky

Streaming / Download

  • 1

    Hero's Song


  • 2

    You told me to play the canon, so...


  • 3

    Leave No One Behind


  • 4

    PET bottle


  • ⚫︎

    If you love your child, send him/her out into the world!


  • 6

    Someday Blue Sky


The first album of Wakky who is a president and singer/songwriter running a cram school.
Songs about a theme of the school, about SDGs...etc. There are 6 songs created from a unique perspective.
I hope you will enjoy this CD even it's sung in Japanese.

Artist Profile

  • Wakky

    Born in March 1973. I am Wakky, a tutoring school manager and a singer/songwriter. Originally, I was a vocalist in a rock copy band, but at the age of 47, I taught myself to play the acoustic guitar and the piano, and began to sing with them. Then, when I started to dabble in chords a bit, I realized the joy of songwriting and now I started to produce original music. I wrote a song while thinking of the students at the school. A song I wrote when I saw trash being dumped in the river. A song about the SDGs that I wrote to bring attention to the world's problems, etc. I wrote songs from my own unique perspective, and in September 2022, I released my first original album, " Songs for Tomorrow". My activities are centered in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture, where I have my school. I hope to become a star of the people in middle age through my music. Thank you.

    Artist page
