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Fukuoka(Japan) MC FREEZ, who has had an overwhelming presence in legendary groups such as RAMB CAMP, El-NINO, and ILL SLANG BLOW'KWER, is releasing a collaborative single I NEED with Nagasaki-based TEAM KEN RECORDS owner and producer DJ MOTORA and released a collaborative single I NEED on 2/12!

FREEZ himself has this to say about how he came to create this song.

About a year ago, I was CHECKING MOTORA's new record as usual, when I found a TRACK that brought a lyric to mind, so I contacted them and REC'd the RAP.
I wrote about the true things that had happened up to that point in my resurrection period.
Then MOTORA himself put in the SCRATCH, and after mastering by MASAHIRO AMEMIYA (GREEN HOUSE), the song was released.
I am grateful to be able to release this positive song in a completely positive way.
All in all, perfect timing.

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Apple Music • New in Hip-Hop • 14 Feb 2025 Spotify • New Music Everyday - tuneTracks (curated by TuneCore Japan) • 12 Feb 2025

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    The thickest man. MC of RAMB CAMP / EL NINO. He also resumed track making under the name B.

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    長崎を中心に活動するTEAM KEN RECORDSオーナー兼プロデューサーDJ MOTORA。 1997年、DJとしてのキャリアをスタートさせる。そのPLAYスタイルはHIPHOPを基盤に、独自のフィルターを通しR&B、ロック、レゲエ、アブストラクト、ダブなどジャンルレスな音楽をクロスオーバーさせ、先の読めない展開や圧倒的なグルーヴ感で唯一無二のスタイルを確立。多くのヘッズから熱い支持を受ける。勢力的にMixCDや自身のアルバムをリリース。 ANARCHY,Shing02,FREEZ,BIGJOE,Meiso,ISSUGI,YUKSTA-ILL,仙人掌,茂千代,B.D.HAIIRO DE ROSSI等をはじめ、数多くのMCと楽曲制作している。 2022年 L.Aのインディペンデントレーベル COLD BUSTED RECORDSにて盟友bugseedとのコラボアルバム「TIMELESS」ワールドリリース。

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