ワイングラスを少し 傾けたままで
壁の時計ばかりを 気にするお前
“今夜は 泊まって行け”
聞えぬふりの オレの台詞
キラリ光ったリング 誰がくれたのか
思わせぶりな笑い もうご免だヨ
今更 甘い言葉 並べて
ひきとめようとは しないさ
眼差し すれ違ってく時に
お前とオレには 触れ合う肌しか
きっと誰かと 飲みに行くのか
いいさ 今夜は 投げつけて good-bye
赤いルージュのついた 吸殻が残る
やり場なくした愛が 爆発しそう
このまま 酔いつぶれて
それでも少し 眠れぬ夜
部屋に漂う香り 苦しめるだけの
こんな辛さを お前 わからない奴
いつでも 愛されてる ポーズで
優しさ一つを 失くした
窓辺の きらめく灯り 目掛け
お前が出てゆく 静けさの中で
背中に声を 掛けることなく
心に誓う 投げつけて good-bye
想いも 熱く燃える 体も
一瞬抱けば 消えてく
お前は いつも勝手気侭な
男と女の 間を飛び交う
今は誰かの 裸の胸で
眠る頃なら 投げつけて good-bye
- Lyricist
Takemi Otsuki
- Composer
Takemi Otsuki

Listen to Throw a goodbye by Takemi Otsuki
Streaming / Download
- 1
Crystal Love
Takemi Otsuki
- 2
Lonnie, My Love
Takemi Otsuki
- 3
Last Wave harbor
Takemi Otsuki
- 4
Lady Scorpion
Takemi Otsuki
- 5
Mr. Southwind
Takemi Otsuki
- 6
Room 3007
Takemi Otsuki
- 7
Cold Position
Takemi Otsuki
- 8
You're passing me by
Takemi Otsuki
- 9
Hold me again
Takemi Otsuki
- 10
Takemi Otsuki
- ⚫︎
Throw a goodbye
Takemi Otsuki
- 12
Takemi Otsuki
As if to spare even a moment of sorrow, our love, which has already passed adolescence, is backed by separation. Against a background of fusion sound, the film depicts a man and a woman who are passing each other in the city.
Artist Profile
Takemi Otsuki
Takemi Otsuki is a Japanese doctor, lyricist, composer, arranger, keyboardist, and actor. He is from Kyoto Prefecture. He is the director of the Shinjo Village National Health Insurance Clinic. He is Professor Emeritus of Kawasaki Medical School. He is a director of the NPO Filmmaker Support Organization. Born in Fukuchiyama City, Kyoto Prefecture. He has been living in Kurashiki City since the spring of 15 years old. 1972/1975 Appeared on NHK "Anata no Melody". Participated in the Yamaha Popular Song Contest National Convention in 1974. Mayo Shono, vocalist. After returning to Japan from studying abroad, he embarked on an experimental approach to environmental health and preventive medicine in the field of hygiene while practicing medicine as a general physician. His songs have been released through various subscription services."Mitsumereba Ai" was the sub-theme of the 2014 Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Hygiene, where he served as chairman. Original music (Japanese pops) is basically released digitally with lyrics, composition, arrangement, performance and singing. Please search and listen to "Takemi Otsuki".
Takemi Otsukiの他のリリース
Works Rrcords