

April in 85

I want to see the world

Like a fish flying in the sky

I remember

How I felt when I was a child

It's so beautiful and irreplaceable

Things that everyone had

Things to keep

In mind before you lose

That's what everyone has

It takes time to realize

That casual days are beautiful days

What you lose and gain as an adult

It's so beautiful and irreplaceable

Things that everyone had

Things to keep

In mind before you lose

I'm sure it will still shine

I've been searching for those days even now

The days of being connected become myself

I thought I couldn't find it at that time

You and I are the same as when I was a child

So graceful Venus

  • Lyricist

    yuichi abe

  • Composer

    yuichi abe

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    April in 85

April in 85、約3年ぶりとなるシングル曲。80's~90'sのギターポップを彷彿とさせる斬新な一曲。

Artist Profile

  • April in 85

    Band project by Vo & Gt / yuichi abe (ex.the butterfly nine cord). Started in 2016. welcomed as regular support members, and lively lyrical electro music that makes the scenery emerge. Since the beginning of the activity, a record event called "THE DREAMING BAY" has been held every April, and production has continued energetically. By the end of 2021, 6 singles and 1 mini album , 2 full album have been released. By applying the concept of various scales, such as the natural world such as the sea and the sky, the familiar environment in the city, and the human pattern, to continue approaching music in close proximity to emotions in a band format.

    Artist page

    April in 85の他のリリース

Lab record