Manhattan sparkles, as night scenes melt away
Our dreams reflect upon the Hudson's bay
The wind slips through between the towers high
Remembering promises of days gone by
Fifth Avenue lights will never fade
Taxis flow through this midnight parade
Neon signs beckon toward tomorrow's light
In this city where time stands still tonight
Rain-washed streets under yellow glows
Time Square dancing as the music flows
New York, New York
My heart dances tonight
With you I found this city's gleaming light
New York, New York
Everyone's a star
Chasing Broadway-colored dreams so far
Yes, this city casts its magic spell
Where everyone can start their life again
That's why I too can grow strong and new
Shining brightly with this city's hue
Until the sun rises past Brooklyn Bridge
Let's keep running, no need to pause
Transcending time, never fading away
The memories this city gave to me today
Forever in my heart, they'll stay alive
Endlessly glowing as time passes by
(New York, New York...)
- Lyricist
Max Hayami
- Composer
Max Hayami
- Producer
Max Hayami
- Vocals
Max Hayami
Listen to Midnight Hudson by Max Hayami
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Midnight Hudson
Max Hayami