RE:velry Front Cover





今日も地下室でパーティータイム 踊ってテキーラ流し込め


暗い顔はすぐにやめて まずは駆けつけ一気


明日の事は明日でいい それより今を楽しめ

BudにVodka Rum Gin Tequila

その他もろもろ さぁみんな飲め

明日の事は明日でいい いつもそうさ

1つや2つの悩みなら あいつもこいつも抱えてる


手頃なエゴに飲み込まれて 逃げ道作って馬っ鹿じゃない?

迷ってんじゃねぇ カッコつけて 愚痴ってんじゃねぇ 前に進め

足掻いて もがいて 笑って 叫んで 今夜は騒いで それでいい


Da la da Drunkers yeah yeah da la da Drunkers yeah yeah

Da la da Drunkers yeah yeah da la da Drunkers yeah yeah

Da la da Drunkers yeah yeah da la da Drunkers yeah yeah

Da la da Drunkers yeah

Da la da Drunkers yeah yeah da la da Drunkers yeah yeah

Da la da Drunkers yeah yeah da la da Drunkers yeah yeah

Da la da Drunkers yeah yeah da la da Drunkers

  • Lyricist

    Kawa Chang

  • Composer

    RE:PLAY Japan

RE:velry Front Cover

Listen to Drunkers by RE:PLAY Japan

Streaming / Download

  • 1


    RE:PLAY Japan

  • ⚫︎


    RE:PLAY Japan

  • 3

    Presumed Colorless

    RE:PLAY Japan

  • 4


    RE:PLAY Japan

  • 5

    Dreamer (2024)

    RE:PLAY Japan

It has been 8 years since the release of "RE:Trieve" in 2016, and now we have new recordings. The album includes "MATSURI" and "Drunkers," both of which are popular in live performances.

Additionally, it features "Presumed Colorless," a track with a new musical style that RE:PLAY has challenged for the first time, and "Dillemma," which has become a ballad comparable to "Feeling."

We have also re-recorded "Dreamer," which was included in "RE:Trieve," with a 2024 arrangement, bringing it closer to its final form.

14 years have passed since the formation of RE:PLAY, and although we have only been able to release new songs at a pace of one per year, our commitment to putting our all into each song remains strong.

Artist Profile

  • RE:PLAY Japan

    NISSIN(Vo) Kawa Chang(Vo/Cho) KURIKO(Vo/Cho) TETSUYA(Gt) SYUZO(Ba) CHIK KUN(Dr) A six-member Enjoyable Rock band

    Artist page
