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Jackie Otaka, guitarist and core member of the legendary mellowcore/loud rock band "SUPER STUPID," has started distributing the first single from their upcoming album to be released in April!
The second single is "BARAKA," a song that had been in demo form for a long time.
Inspired by progressive rock, the song is a guitar instrumental with a free jazz-like irregular time signature and a storm of tempo changes.
Jackie Ohtaka himself explains the song "Baraka" in below.
Written in 1999. This song was also recorded (following the first "Ho Chi Min") and was in a demo state for a long time.
In this recording, the structure of the song was drastically changed. Jackie plays the guitar on the refrain of a song by a Swedish band called Kaipa, which he became a big fan of after being taught by Mr. Jun Sofuni. It is a storm of tempo changes and odd time signatures, a 21st century progressive rock interpretation. Hayashi plays drums. To keep the cosiness of the drum recording down, we did it at Jackie's studio. Half electronic drums, half live drums.
A core member and guitarist of the legendary mellowcore/loud rock band "SUPER STUPID," Jackie Otaka left a huge mark on the rock scene in the 1990s before launching his solo career. He is an artist who has been producing "Nanchara Idol" as well as presenting his diverse musicality on a cosmic scale through his solo works.