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This song sings about how even if your current circumstances are tough, someday your pain will heal, your wounds will disappear, and happiness will come, and that if you don't give up and keep working hard, your wishes will one day come true and blossom.
It's full of love. We encounter many different kinds of happiness without even realizing it. I want to count those happinesses. It also depicts a warm light shining into the darkness.
To those who have suffered, wipe away your tears and stand up.Let's live.
And let's laugh together and be happy! I hope I can convey those feelings.
In this music video, I, Tama8739, show my face and sing. It took my courage.
I, Tama8739, also play and sing on folk guitar. I hope it warms your heart.

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  • Tama8739

    高校の頃より作詞作曲しています。 アラフィフのたまき(女)=Tama8739です。アメブロでブログもやっております。自分の曲を世に出すのが夢で叶えたくこの年になりましたが夢を追いかけることにしました。 皆様の心に響く唄を届けたいです。 ヨロシクお願いいたします。個人でやっております。響け唄!!!

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Mirai Hana