相変わらず 変わらないな
流行りやコネしか 映さん メディア
汚れた手には 似合いだぜ 銭が
身内で回す 話題とタイトル
表層を掬っただけの やっつけの仕事で
語ってくれんなよ 各街で踏ん張る SUVIVER
当てな スポットライト 俺たちの時代だ
俺の言葉はお前のタトゥーより 永遠に永く生きる
Will 希望なら側で笑ってる 昨日からは空が変わってる
悔しさなんて普段着 暮らしの中で 産む CLASSICS
業界まるごと 喰われた アメーバ
単細胞 増殖 コピーで クソ
そこらじゅう はびこる トイプードル
飼い犬 尻目に 野生のDOG
牙をとぐ 生き残るために FLOW
撒かれたエサに 群がる クローン
家畜を蹴飛ばす WILD STYLE
支配の外で 好きに吠える
システムからの脱却 自由をつかむための手段である アートフォームが
支配する側の道具として使われてんのは まじ勘弁だな
お茶の間でチャチャ 大人のおもちゃ 片目隠す奴から
奪い取る覇者 つかみとる感謝 解放の使者
狭いハコから 抜け出る DNA
細胞の分裂 シナプスみてぇに共鳴
ビジョンが投影 意識は透明
届いてく当然 闇夜に照明
Wardで表現 イメージで飛べ
ほら 今 心で揺れてるEmotion
ピラミドから抜け出る Revolution
Fly 自由に 飛びたい Sky
Cry 宙に 吠えたい 願い
業界まるごと 喰われた アメーバ
単細胞 増殖 コピーで クソ
そこらじゅう はびこる トイプードル
飼い犬 尻目に 野生のDOG
牙をとぐ 生き残るために FLOW
撒かれたエサに 群がる クローン
家畜を蹴飛ばす WILD STYLE
支配のそとで 好きに吠える
業界まるごと 喰われた アメーバ
単細胞 増殖 コピーで クソ
そこらじゅう はびこる トイプードル
飼い犬 尻目に 野生のDOG
牙をとぐ 生き残るために FLOW
撒かれたエサに 群がる クローン
家畜を蹴飛ばす WILD STYLE
支配のそとで 好きに吠える
- Lyricist
- Composer
Streaming / Download
- ⚫︎
Rapper INNOCENSE's "WILD STYLE" is a statement of defiance from the underground against a scene that has become a money-making machine. WILD STYLE" is a statement of rebellion from the underground against a scene that has become a money worshiping society.
After making an album and training in Fukuoka, INNOCENSE returns to Osaka and joins forces with longtime ally DJ TSUJI to drop a new track "WILD STYLE" in the Kansai region.
A herd of tame animals, preoccupied with trends and buzz creation and taken in by the contents of the popular media, wagging their tails at the bait rolled up in the freak show. Cloned animals bred for easy shipment to breeders.
The roar of the wild Japanese wolf, which will never be kept in captivity, now resounds in the background.
Artist Profile
Changed his name from HIROFUMI THE INNOCENSE to INNOCENSE. He has been active in the underground scene in Hyogo, Osaka, Tokyo, and Fukuoka, and is currently based in Osaka. In 2006, he was the first grand champion of the Osaka Spoken Word Slam (OSWS). In 2013, he moved to the U.S. by himself. He is well known not only for his live performances and soundtracks, but also as a freestyle master. Lyrical depiction of scenes that appeals to the heart. His live performances, in which he continuously releases naked words filled with passionate energy, invite the audience to enter his unique worldview. As for his own works, he has released three CD albums and a 12-inch VINYL from his own SOUL EATER RECORDINGS. After participating in various compilation albums, Michita of Hokkaido completed her 3rd album produced entirely by herself, and her most recent album was released on 10/21/2021. He also completed "Late Blooming Flowers" with NARISK, a beat maker he met in Fukuoka, and released it digitally on 2022/6/29. As the latest release, he and CROWD released "WAKE UP JPN UNDERGROUND" on 2022/11/22. WAKE UP JPN UNDERGROUND" was released on 11/22/2022. Currently, he is further refining his skills as well as his humanity, and transforming them into the power of words. A survivor of the crazy underground scene.
Soul Eater Recordings