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旧グループ名・MIC RAW RUGA(laboratory)から研究生を意味する「(laboratory)」が取れ、正規グループ「MIC RAW RUGA」となってから、初めてリリースされる音源。
収録されているのは、「コロナ禍の中でも前進あるのみ」という強いメッセージ性を打ち出し、強烈なガバキックがフロアを揺らす攻撃的なサウンドが特徴の表題曲「Go Forward」。同グループのファンの総称である“HOOVER”をタイトルに冠し、ビッグバンドジャズやファンクをサンプリングした、ポジティブなセルフボーストが底抜けに楽しいパーティーチューン「HOOVER BEATS」。LO-FIなビートの中で緊張感のあるストリングスが展開し、“月”をキーワードに閉塞的な時代感がポエトリーに切り取られた「Moon Reverb」など、バラエティーに富んだ内容となっている。
なお、「Go Forward」は昨年9月のlaboratory時代に配信シングルとしてリリースされたもの。「Moon Reverb」はラッパーのGOMESSをフィーチャーし昨年6月に配信シングル「Moon Reverb feat.GOMESS」としてリリースした楽曲の、MIC RAW RUGAメンバー3人のみで構成したバージョン。「HOOVER BEATS」は完全な初音源化、となっている。
A girl rap group produced by E TICKET PRODUCTION, which has provided and produced rap music for numerous artists including Rinne Yoshida, NAGI NEMOTO (ex. DENPA GUMI), DEKAMICHAN, KMNZ, and early RHYMEBERRY. The official supporter of the audition is Rinne Yoshida. Six months after its launch, the group was selected for the OA of a two-man live performance by DOTAMA and hy4_4yh, who broke out as a monster rapper in the first season of "Freestyle Dungeon". In October 19, he released his 1st EP "CONCORDE", which includes "CONCORDE" and "Right Now", nationwide. It was praised by Rymestar Utamaru in his serial column as "90's hip-hop love that went through the roof". In February 2008, they performed at "@JAM" held at CLUB CITTA' in Kawasaki. In the same month, they released their first single "dog kawaii", which was praised on "Rymestar Utamaru's After 6 Junction" (TBS Radio) as "really catchy" and "authentic and tight finish". In June 2009, she held a two-man live performance with rapper GOMESS and released "Moon Reverb feat. In August of the same year, he appeared in a project by WEGO & Yonehara Yasumasa, and a video introducing him was shown on the visions of several WEGO stores, including the Shibuya 109 store. In August, "PAY YOU BACK" was released, followed by "HOW RAW" in September. In the same month, they held a successful one-man live concert at Shibuya's club ASIA , filling the venue to capacity. VIDEOTHINK is a member of VIDEOTHINK, and their sound and lyrics are influenced by various cultures such as HIPHOP, disco music, techno, house, video games, amusement parks, and anime.