Children of the next generation of light (international version) Front Cover


Children of the next generation of light (international version)

Master of the Moon

Behind this star

To you who are crying

Instead of hugging

I want to convey my heart

At the speed of light

We are connected

To each life

We can share the love

To the other side of this star

Fly away your soul

With the filter of my heart

Let's change the world

The world that was tinged with sadness until yesterday

It's full of bright hope

It's full of bright hope

It's full of bright hope

Behind this star

To you who are crying

Instead of hugging

I want to convey my heart

At the speed of light

We are connected

To each life

We can share the love

To the other side of this star

Fly away your soul

With the filter of my heart

Let's change the world

The world that was tinged with sadness until yesterday

It's full of bright hope

It's full of bright hope

It's full of bright hope

The world that was tinged with sadness until yesterday

It's full of bright hope

It's full of bright hope

  • Lyricist

    Master of the Moon

  • Composer

    Master of the Moon

  • Producer

    Master of the Moon

  • Graphic Design

    Master of the Moon

  • Programming

    Master of the Moon

Children of the next generation of light (international version) Front Cover

Listen to Children of the next generation of light (international version) by Master of the Moon

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    Children of the next generation of light (international version)

    Master of the Moon

The first single song by master of the moon, an artist from Kyoto.
This is a message song that expresses the hope that the new generation, especially children, who live in an era where they can be instantly connected to any part of the world, cherish the warm heart-to-heart contact between people.
It contains hopes for a future where people from all walks of life, regardless of nationality or race, can think of someone else living in sadness and bring smiles filled with hope.

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