Like walking through a tunnel, so dark
A tiny light, way off in the distance, that's what we aimed for
We've come so far, you and I
There were times I felt lost, afraid
But turning back, that was never an option
'Cause together, we knew we could face anything
Stumbled and fell, time and again
In the darkness, couldn't see which way to go
But you were there, right by my side
Always with a kind word, lifting me up
That's how I found the strength to carry on
Each time, pushing myself further than I thought I could
Even if miracles don't come our way
The dawn will break, just like it always has
Keep moving forward, never give up
Shine a light in the darkness, together
Hand in hand, just like we always have
We'll keep walking, side by side
Looking back, we're finally out of that tunnel
The light we followed, it wasn't a destination or a status after all
It was the glow of our life together, shining bright
The body may grow weaker, that's how it goes
But the bond between us, that only grows stronger
Never been one to sit and wait
For fate to take its course, no sir
'Cause you were there, giving me courage
Always pushing me to fight, to keep going
That's why I always got back up on my feet
Believing we could overcome anything
Even if miracles don't come our way
The dawn will break, just like it always has
Keep moving forward, never give up
Shine a light in the darkness, together
Hand in hand, just like we always have
The dawn breaks, beautiful and new
The pale light conquers the darkness of night
And the glow illuminates us
As if celebrating the journey we've shared
Even if miracles don't come our way
The pale light conquers the darkness of night
And the glow illuminates us
As if celebrating the journey we've shared
- Lyricist
Stand Kuga
- Composer
Stand Kuga
- Producer
Stand Kuga
- Programming
Stand Kuga

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The Light We Followed
Stand Kuga
Here are some song examples by Stand Kuga, who creates a wide variety of music using AI. "The Light We Followed" is a moving rock ballad celebrating the bond of a long-married couple and their resilience through life's challenges. As they face new hardships in their twilight years, they reflect on their shared journey, singing powerfully of hope for the future. The restrained vocals and warm, enveloping band sound resonate deeply. This anthem of life will inspire listeners with courage and hope, empowering them to take a step towards tomorrow.
Artist Profile
Stand Kuga
Utilizes AI as a tool in their music production process, creating songs that primarily fall within the rock, pop, ballad and rap rock genres.
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