Prove To Trill Front Cover


Cry of the heart

Dog Jiggy

Ican't understand the surroudings

What others are saying and thinking

Tightening life like shit I'm lving

I'm discplined for you

Am I free Am I free

I want to dive in the sea. for while

I don't want to hear anyones voice

Family problems and funny words for adults

Even though you don't understand it

What's successfull

Leave me alone please

Tired of the words of others

Music that expresses the heart is art

Real talk ya

I can't understand the surroudings

What others are saying and thinking

Tightening life like shit I'm lving

I'm discplined for you

Am I free Am I free

Make a way

There's no life like a person

Seeking the light of life

That's why I'm out of the sea

Fly to a new world

Don't be crushed by the thoghts of others

You're you and I'm me

It doesn't matter

If it's a different thought right?

I can't understand the surroudings

What others are saying and thinking

Tightening life like shit I'm lving

I'm discplined for you

Am I free Am I free

Cry of heart

  • Lyricist

    Dog Jiggy

  • Composer

    Dog Jiggy

Prove To Trill Front Cover

Listen to Cry of the heart by Dog Jiggy

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