
one more time (feat. R!N)


I don’t need the

“one more time” ‘cause

I've never look back

I do my life, no regret

What I have done

Mistake is not too bad we can do

Better next time, right?

Make a move to next

Of course you know the way

Time move on We can’t stop

One, one more

Past time and chance

Is not back again!

Time move on We can’t stop

One, one more

Wake up now, stand up!

Don’t miss next chance

I can't wait for a chance

By just sitting right here

Time also never stop

As we live in this world

So keep in mind, never

Forget, the important

Thing is a time, in life

Realize we don't have

One more time

Moving on, moving on

One more time

You're with me, you're with me

You can move a step forward

Never care about tiny mistakes

Shouldn't be, shouldn't be

One more time

Let me go, let me go

One more time

It's my way I'll decide

Just be yourself

So we don't need the

“one more time”

It was not a big deal

But we are too careful

That is what we learned

In a cozy classroom, buddys

Time move on We can’t stop

One, one more

Sometime we can learn

From those mistakes

Time move on We can’t stop

One, one more

Wake up now, stand up!

Don’t waste your time!

Challenge never be bad

Don't just waste your life

You are much stronger than

How you feel and think

This world will not be changed

Unless you change yourself

You can do it, move on!

Realize we don't have

One more time

Moving on, moving on

One more time

You're with me, you're with me

You can move a step forward

Never care about tiny mistakes

Shouldn't be, shouldn't be

One more time

Let me go, let me go

One more time

It's my way I'll decide

Just be yourself

So we don't need the

Think, say,move, act

You are not alone

Think, say,move, act

You are not alone

Think, say,move, act

You are not alone

Think, say,move, act

You are・・・

Shouldn't be, shouldn't be

One more time

Let me go, let me go

One more time

It's my way I'll decide

I'm not that greedy

Just want to be honest to me

Let's go, let's take a chance

One more time

Just a step is enough

One more time

You won't get lost any more

Just be yourself

So you don't need the

“one more time”

  • Lyricist


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Listen to one more time (feat. R!N) by YUHEI YAGISAWA

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  • ⚫︎

    one more time (feat. R!N)


  • 2

    who cares (feat. APOLLO)


  • 3

    summer & madness (feat. mena)


  • 4

    after hours (feat. CFE & APOLLO)


The past ten years, the future ten years.

"living in the now"
"chilling out"

The song expresses what he felt were important in his life and four things that should continue to be important in the future.
YUHEI YAGISAWA a.k.a yagi-za, a super-duper fearless amateur, has debuted with his 1st EP, "UNPERFECT," with four vocalists.

Give yourself room to grow in life!

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