Lurking Devil Front Cover


Lurking Devil

Queen's Angel

摩天楼が聳える上空の彼方で 真夜中の静寂を破る銃声が響いた

ビルの谷間で彷徨う被害者の叫びは 烈しく降り出した夜明けの雨音に掻き消された

迷宮へと続く螺旋を描いて 渦巻く謎が 眠る悪夢を呼び覚ますなら 解き明かすしかない何もかも

鋭い狼の牙のように 剥き出しの邪悪な刃が 抉る歪んだその矛先で 容赦なく kill many(people)

いつかは交わる運命だったと 遭遇した難解な事件を 追い駆ける悪を捕らえるまで

決して悲劇のエンディングにしないと誓うんだ in the rain

次なる犯行を告げる暗号が届いて 死神のヴェールに潜むルーレットが廻り出した

正義を掲げる司法の下で 裁けない罪が 永久に闇に葬られるなら 叩きのめすしかない今ここで

蒼い蛇女(メデューサ)の瞳のように 睨みつけた悪魔の眼光が 狙う捻じれたその銃口で 躊躇なく kill many(people)

誰にも破れないトリックなんだと 痕跡もない奇怪なミステリーを 解き明かす糸口(カギ)を見つけるまで

たった一度もギブアップはしないと決めたんだ based on my belief

思考回路を起動して 限界突破で加速する 監獄という棺桶にぶち込んで it's the end

絢爛を装う仮面の奥で嘲笑う道化が 再び悪夢を繰り返すなら 決着をつけてやるこの場所で

鋭い狼の牙のように 剥き出しの邪悪な刃が 穿つ歪んだその矛先で 容赦なく kill many people

最初から決められた宿命だったと 相見えた犯人の正体に 刺し違えても必ず捕まえると

決して悲劇のエンディングにはしないと でも最後はこの銃の引き金を弾く覚悟を決めたんだ in the rain

  • Lyricist

    Yasuyuki Kobayashi

  • Composer

    Yasuyuki Kobayashi

Lurking Devil Front Cover

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    Lurking Devil

    Queen's Angel


An unsolved brutal murder case that shook the world a few years ago. And now, breaking the silence of time, a murder case by the same criminal has reoccurred.

The letter "Z" left on the murder scene ... The "Z" is an acronym for "ZERO" and indicates a message from the criminal that "I leave no trace on the murder scene".

The investigation was conducted by elites from the Metropolitan Police Department's First Investigation Division, centered on a 28-year-old male detective who is a martial arts specialist and a 26-year-old female investigator who is a expert in profiling... and the male detective and the female investigator were once lovers.

While the profiling investigation of the female investigator was getting stuck on, the investigation of walking around the murder scene of the male detectives beared fruit, and for the first time he grabbed a clue to the criminal. As if to be drawn to the clue, the male detective went to catch the criminal alone... but who was waiting at the place was the female investigator of ex-lover.

And they both fired each other's guns, as if the red thread of fate had unraveled ...

It is a song based on HR/HM that depicts the world view of such a story with a melancholy bluesy sound (like expressing sadness).

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Queen's Angel
