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Artist Profile

  • Chappa Ranks

    Started his DJ career in year 1987. In 1988, he wins the championship for "DJ UNDERGROUND NO.1 CONTEST". He released 12inch single "RUN RUN RUN"from MAJOR FORCE in 1989. In 1989 and 1990, he performed at Apollo Theater for two times in NY. In 1989, it wasn't on the market, but he also went to Jamaica for his first time, and recorded at "KING JAMMY'S". It wasn't on the market also, but in 1990, he recorded at London which was invited by HOLLYWOOD RECORDS. In addition, he was invited for guest appearance for DMC Championship in London. In 1991, he performed at "MONTREUX JAZZ FESTIVAL" at Switzerland with RANKIN TAXI. 7inch single "BIG BELLY MOVE"was accomplished from TOP RANKIN in 1992, which was his debut single released in Jamaica. In 1993, he released his major debut album, "WHO?" from Nippon Columbia. In this year, he becomes independent from TAXI HiFi. Afterwards, he released a lot of works and, he became personality of radio program for SHIBUYA FM78.4MHZ in 1997. He made contract with REVINYL RECORDS in 1998, and drops many 12inch singles. In 2001, he realeased his album TWO A DEM In 2010, he realeased his album CHAPPA DAPPA In 2016, he realeased 7inch single COME AGAIN After that, he keeps on making new tune for a lot of compilation albums in Japan.

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    Chappa Ranksの他のリリース
  • Hummingbird

    東京在住のプロデューサー、トラックメーカー DUBの手法を中心にフリーフォームなトラックを制作。リアルタイムでのLIVE DUB MIXは、国内だけでなくスペインで開催された野外レゲエフェス「A Pobra Reggae fest」に出演などアジア各国、ヨーロッパなど世界中で精力的に行っている。世界中のアーティストをfeatしDUBの様々な可能性を提示するEP「BLIND FOR DUB」シリーズは現在5までリリース。 2021年1月スウェーデンのレゲエシンガーDan I Locksをfeatしたシングル「Don't call」、同年3月アメリカノースカロライナ州のレーベルBoom One Recordsよりシングル「Howlin'」feat.KUDAN JUZO & Ayaca Saitoをリリース。同年7月メキシコのDUBレーベルGREEN BEATSのコンピレーションアルバムに参加。 2022年3月、レゲエクラブ新宿OPENのRIKITAKEMANとの共作「バビロンの塔」、4月にはレゲエシンガーERIKA CRYMSONとの「SUNRISE」をつづけて7inchにてリリース。今後も様々なアーティストとのリリースを控えている。 また中米コスタリカのラジオHOT78で自身の番組「Hummingbird The Dub Show」隔週で放送中。

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Revolution Recording