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※ 心の深い部分、魂が安らぎ、喜びを感じる音楽です。

※ 私たちの生活を成り立たせている地球、自然環境。神羅万象に宿る、あるいは、神羅万象を通じて導きや守護を与えてくれる神々や精霊への感謝の気持ちを表現しています。神々や精霊との関係・絆がより良いものとなるようにし、連携・調和・協力が実現するように導きます。

※ 導きやインスピレーションや新鮮な感動、気づきなどの精神的な豊かさ。そして、また、四季折々の自然生命から衣食住に関する様々な直接的・間接的な生活物資を受け取っている豊かさ。そうした尊い恵を受け取り、心身調和した生活を営むことができていることの喜びを表現しています。

※ 与えらえているものの尊い価値を自覚し、無駄にすることなく、喜びと感謝を伝え合い、明るい未来に向けて積極的に意義ある営みをしていく。そうした営みによって神々と諸力からの祝福を受けることができるように誘い、導く歌です。



Artist Profile


    Hello! I am ATOM HAPPINESS. I grew up in an environment where my father was a music teacher and my uncle was a poet. I discovered my interest in songwriting when I was pregnant. I started writing songs quite naturally by talking to the fetus in my belly. I realized the greatness of music when I was about 45 years old and, due to a combination of various factors, I fell into a state of depression, social withdrawal, contact disorder, hypersensitivity, social phobia, and eating disorder, and had an almost-death experience. In order to stop the chain of negative thoughts and visualize positive images, I encouraged and cheered myself up, mustered courage to overcome anxiety and fear, and actively took on new challenges one by one. By continuing and accumulating this, I was able to regain my physical and mental harmony and health, and make a comeback. The consistent "spiritual source" of my recovery process was the continued singing of music that naturally welled up from my heart. What can I do when I'm bedridden and my body can't move as I want it to? I thought about how to use the "free will of the mind." At that time, my physical strength had declined so much that I could barely sing out loud, and I couldn't even touch the piano. So, without singing out loud, I continued to sing the melodies that welled up from my heart, imagining a "wonderful world," using "A~" and "La~." The more I felt pain, suffering, anxiety, fear, etc., the more I continued to sing in my mind to keep myself from succumbing to them. I went through a difficult trial, but at the same time, I also had many mysterious mystical experiences, and by continuing to take care of myself in my own way, I was able to improve the bunions, bow legs, and back pain that had been bothering me for many years. In this way, I have experienced that music was very effective as a "power source" to maintain my motivation, visualize bright, positive images, and summon the courage to actively challenge myself to take on meaningful actions. That's why I want to deliver original music that is useful for self-care, self-healing and self-maintenance for maintaining physical and mental harmony and health to those who need it. I would be happy if my music can help you feel peace, relaxation, healing and comfort, give you energy and courage, increase your vitality, stimulate positive logical thinking, improve your positive and bright image, or otherwise improve your life.

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