時は満ちた 旅に出よう どこまででも
明日の行方 それは風任せ なのさ
星たちは 今いずこ
透ける朝 鳥と舞う
潮風と 遊ぶ波
雪溶けを 包む春
涙も尽き 凍えたら 瞼閉じて
海に浮かぶ 夢に身を委ね 眠ろう
日の光 擦ったら
その声を 慈しもう
夕闇を 抱きしめて
この歌を 届けよう
- Lyricist
- Composer
- Co-Producer
Kazooshi, Kei Owada
- Vocals
Kei Owada
- Piano
Listen to Time is Medicine (feat. Kei Owada) by Kazooshi
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Time is Medicine (feat. Kei Owada)
Artist Profile
Born in 1999 in Hiroshima. Kazutoshi started to play the piano when he was 5 years old. At the age of 13, he also started to write music, while he listened to Jazz, Rock and so on. In 2016, Kazutoshi won Best Composition and Arrangement Award at Seiko Summer Jazz Camp 2016. Kazutoshi played with RIRI, who sang "The Circle of Life" as the official Japanese singer of "The Lion King" (2019 Film) in 2019.
Kei Owada