ピリッと緊張感漂う試合前のロッカルーム チームの指揮を執る司令塔はゲームメイクをシミュレーション(give you a tactics)
サイド攻撃から中央へとドリブル突破はゴールへの布石 敵ディフェンダー崩すキラーパスでスペースを切り裂き決定的チャンス
ストライカー放つシュートがフィールドに閃く ah ah 想像を超えるスーパープレーで世界を魅了する 決めろ、WINNING GOAL!いざ、出陣だ!! キックオフのホイッスルが鳴る
前半27分に先制点を許す 後半12分過ぎに同点に追いつく(tie it up)
中盤で主導権握るけどボールを奪われカウンター喰らう 鋭くカーブするアーリークロスが敵フォワードに繋がり最大級のピンチ
ゴールキーパー跳んでセービングが空中で炸裂 ah ah ファンタスティックなミラクルプレーに大歓声が起こる 攻めろ、FIGHTING KNIGHTS!さぁ、反撃だ!! 蒼い騎士のようにフィールドを駆けろ
ペナルティエリアでパスを受けてロスタイム間際に最後のチャンス( Leave it to me. I’ll score the goal. )
エースストライカー放つシュートがネットに突き刺さる 死闘に終止符(ピリオド)打つ ah 劇的ゴールにスタジアム歓喜する 決めろ、WINNING GOAL!栄光に輝く黄金のトロフィーを掲げよう!! 誇り高き戦士に祝福を!!
- Lyricist
Yasuyuki Kobayashi
- Composer
Yasuyuki Kobayashi
- Producer
Yasuyuki Kobayashi
- Guitar
Queen's Angel
- Vocals
Queen's Angel
Listen to BLUE SPIRITS by Queen's Angel
Streaming / Download
- 1
the white flowers blooming in the flames of the war (vo. re-rec ver.)
Queen's Angel
E - 2
Lurking Devil (vo. re-rec ver.)
Queen's Angel
E - 3
Queen's Angel
- 4
even if not having an ace up your sleeve
Queen's Angel
- 5
break the chain
Queen's Angel
- 6
Diabolos -The Evil Demon Kingdom-
Queen's Angel
E - 7
Dear Friends ...
Queen's Angel
- 8
defuse the bomb
Queen's Angel
E - ⚫︎
Queen's Angel
- 10
Love Song For You
Queen's Angel
- 11
the white flowers blooming in the flames of the war
Queen's Angel
- 12
Lurking Devil
Queen's Angel
Digital girls unit Queen's Angel (The Queen's Corpse) finally releases their highly anticipated second album "The Episode of The Throne"!!
A brilliant contrast woven between Reika Utabane's delicate vocals and Misato Amane's technical performance--this masterpiece, destined to be carved into the history of digital rock, beautifully fuses opposing elements of heavy metal and pop melody!! With its grand-scale sound and intricate storytelling merged into a profound worldview, this magnum opus of the new generation HR/HM will shake listeners to their core!!
Artist Profile
Queen's Angel
Queen's Angel is a Digital Girl's Unit consisting of two high school girls who are Utabane Reika and Amane Misato . Queen's Angel offers music centered on Hard Rock / Heavy Metal characterized by featuring "a pretty voice" of Vocalist Utabane and "a beautiful sound" of Guitarist Amane .
Queen's Angelの他のリリース