HOUKOU Front Cover

My heart is crying out

But I can't find the words

I never knew it was this hard to write lyrics

I can't stop shivering all over, But I just can't give up

The place where I can call, "My home."

”The longest day must have an end.”

Will you wait for me?

Give you my heart


My life is over? my life is not over


My life is not over

A brand-new life that everything is rewritten

We'll be born again and again…


This isn't good-bye forever

Will you hold my hand again? And I want you to fall in love with me again

Give you my heart


My life is over? my life is not over


My life is not over

The end will inevitably come, so may we not awaken from this dream until then

Don’t awaken until then




My life is over? my life is not over


My life is over? my life is not over

My life is not over

  • Lyricist

    Ryosuke Kobayashi, Daisaku Miyata

  • Composer

    Baku Maruyama

HOUKOU Front Cover

Listen to HOUKOU by a crowd of rebellion

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    a crowd of rebellion

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    a crowd of rebellion

Past Rank In


iTunes Store • Alternative TOP SONGS • Japan • TOP 4 • 27 Feb 2024 iTunes Store • All Categories TOP SONGS • Japan • TOP 80 • 27 Feb 2024

Past Playlist In


Spotify • New Music Everyday - tuneTracks (curated by TuneCore Japan) • 28 Feb 2024

Artist Profile

  • a crowd of rebellion

    2007年春、新潟県新潟市にて結成。 新潟出身のラウドロック・バンドとして全国に活躍の場を広げる。 対照的なツインボーカルから繰り出されるリリックと、変幻自在に 展開をみせていく楽曲アレンジで唯一無二の世界を描き出し、 煽情的かつエモーショナルなパフォーマンスでオーディエンスと対峙 する圧巻のライヴを繰り広げている。 2022年に新メンバー・中尾佳介を迎え、現在の5人体制となる。

    Artist page
